Kill a hawk! Win a $10,000+ fine!

STOP already. If you need to discuss this further, go to the other section for ramblings.

We're talking about scientific and psuedoscientific studies pertaining to predators. Yes the thread has strayed a bit as most threads do. But I will do my best to refrain from any more participation here, not because I am yielding to an opposing view (which opposing view still hasn't produced any reliable studies) but because you have demanded we do so and because the thread has strayed from the OP.

Last thing I'll say (I swear). As far as I can see, the studies I've mentioned are just as credible as the studies the other side has produced, if not more, considering that a significant number of the anti-DDT studies were done by the very' Royal Society and other such organizations who tend to have predetermined conclusions. (TEND to. Not necessarily, but it's likely)

Look at the facts, unbiased. You can decide.

And I'm still fine with shooting hawks that are attacking your animals.
you could get some kind of system that sets of a noise that will make the hawk go away?
That's what everyone else is talking about. Me? Everyone hates me because I'm cynical about animals.
I'm ALL FOR non-lethal hawk control. But if that doesn't stop 'em, I have no issue with SSSing it as an emergency response to protect your animals. No witnesses - no charges.
I had to shut my birds in for a month. It was just a juvenile hawk and couldn't even carry poor dead myrtle off. I saw it twice more, but not since and I've been letting them out again. There are 2 bald eagles in the area... I'm wondering if they will get hungry enough to come after my birds!

I came up missing a Buckeye pullet in the last month and the only thing I think was possible was either a Red Tail or a Bald Eagle. I live where they live, so there are bound to be some losses. I do my best but when the flock is out and about and raptors come looking for food, I guess whoever doesn't make it inside the coop or under cover is going to be fair game until I get some top covered runs up. Where do we get off anyway, we kill animals all of the time to eat, and nobody is out to get us for it.
Just sayin...
I'm not sure how much space your 4H friend's chicken are running in, but I might incorporate a handful of techniques that wouldn't end anyone with a 10K fine or worse... I would probably crisscross some yellow chalk line around in various places and tie on some fluttering material - preferably something metallic. I've heard of folks buying those blank silver colored CDs and tying them along the line. The reflecting light may be a deterrent. I'd hang wind chimes and put out the garden spinner that blows with the wind. I'd add some helium balloons every few days. Put up an owl or two as well.

Is it possible to confine the birds to a safer area??

I might also call the local game and fish department and get some ideas from them. They'd have some information as well regarding dates of migrations...

What a frustrating situation!

Good luck!
Honestly, the only way to protect the chickens is with a covered run. i use the aviary netting over my larger runs and it is fairly inexpensive. The only group that free-ranges are our ducks, but they are still within a fairly secure area right off our back porch with trees and limited space for a hawk to get in, and they are locked in their covered pen if i am away from the house.

But i have observed hawks in the area, and when i do there is a contingency of Magpies that torment it till it flies off. i know Crows, Mockingbirds, and even Blue Jays will go after a hawk to try to chase it away. But those Magpies are fairly large and persistent. Glad i have a large gaggle of them living in the area.

i was going to ask about the helium balloons and whirly things, don't they scare your chickens? i have some pretty flighty silkies and showgirls who freak out if i wear an outfit they haven't seen before. i think they would have a heart attack if i had helium balloons bobbing over their pens.
i have lost a few birds to hawks i figured it was the price i had to pay. it sucked but luckly the bird moved on. at the same time my neighbor not a mile away who has his birds out too hung cds up and he never had any problems he seem to think thats what helped

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