killing a dog that killed your poultry

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It is legal to shoot a dog while in the act of killing pultry but you took the dog to a confined area to shoot it. If you had it confined and put a gun to its head and it wasnt tryin to bite then it was obviously not a mean dog. You couldve called the pound instead of killing it.
Actually in the laws eyes that pen is to "Confine" the birds so yes the dog was in an enclosure. Don't let them tear you down you did the right thing and you called the authorities what else do they want you to do.
by the way i am a female who has fired a gun only half a dozen times in my life. and all except two was at a target. so no, i'm don't expect myself to be a great shot
Go tell that to the dog while he is killing his chickens.... How cruel do you think that killing was? So someones dogs are more important that her chickens? Really? (sorry for calling you a he
i am not saying that i should not have done things differently. i agree. but i simply didn't know what else to do not having found myself in this situation ever before.
it was late evening pouring down rain.........and i was i think in shock. i'm sure now that i've experienced this i will probably know how better to handle this
You did what you thought was right and you were legally able to do it. I would ask your lawyer about the whole confine thing. Because being in the pen is the same as being confined. You removed the treat to your flock before taking care of the problem. Simple as that.
well the animal control informed me yah it wasn't the way to do it. but just cause i was fined ...........that doesn't mean i am guilty of anything. attorney thinks the charges can be dropped and maybe pay a small fine. end of story.
I would make the owner of the animal pay the fine. But get the whole thing dropped. I would do your own research on the laws for your area. I know I have and I keep them handy. Some of mine say I can kill on their property if they have my chicken and I see them.
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