Kind Pharm beginnings in Idaho.


Do you have pics of your goats? There are tons of people here with great advice, and lots of articles!
I don't currently have any on my computer but can add some soon.

They are short and stocky and all black with horns.. they were free (haha, all of these animals but the new hens were 'free' and that ended up costing us the price for new stalls, bringing water and electric out and adequate fencing $$$$) We know NOTHING else about them, not even how old they are.
It was suggested in one of the homesteading groups I am in that they were definitely a 'meat' breed... boy now I don't remember what they said... 'Spanish'?? or something like that... they are sisters and one is super friendly and the other not so much...
goats 2.jpg
That is Sugar and Magnolia
When we moved here there was a ton of weeds and we were told to get goats... not how many, what kind or anything like that but just to get goats... 2 years later we have these two 'free' girls and know nothing about them except they had a damn good life before moving in with us and will CRY all day and night if they are not given goat pellets!!! UGH! So, we still have tons of weeds as well as these two goats

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