Kirby Vacuums ::::Another UPDATE >:(::::

I just noticed there are pieces of my vacuum they returned to me!
My mother was sucked into buying a Kirby with the shampoo attachment. I hate the thing. It vacuums okay, but the shampooer stinks. I don't find myself doing thorough cleanings with it because it is a pain to attach hoses and such. I'd rather use the old Sears canister with quick hose detachment and won't let my mother sell that one. A 77-year-old woman had no business buying a very heavy and expensive piece of equipment like that. Not sure what she actually paid.

Granted she and Dad bought a Rainbow canister many years ago and it lasted many years. I grew up using it and recall it doing a fine job.

Sorry you are having such a time of it.
Ugh Yah on the scamming the employees part... they hire you on as a commission payed employee. Then they never pay you commission. On top of that they pick you up in your home town and drive you (well they drove us from Bakersfield all the way down into southern LA county) We left town at 6 am and did not come home until 8 that night. We did not all fit in the van and some of us had to sit on the floor board's with no safety belt's, no breaks, no lunch nothing! Then after 4 weeks (around about it's been a long time) of being employed there I quit, when I returned to get my check they gave me the run around... it's a common story. Right up there with ppl that try to sell knives and the parking lot perfume seller's.
I can't advise on the legal end of the deal, you have any vacuum cleaner retail/repair stores anywhere near you? If so, you should be able to find a good used Kirby, maybe even a new one there. Years ago, my cousin bought a Rainbow from a salesman, but I got mine from the store that sells vacuum cleaners & sewing machines. Best of all, I just paid half of what my cousin paid. I know very well that my cousin's price included an overinflated commission for the door-to-door salesman.

BTW, I'm using a very quiet Miele because the Rainbow was extremely loud and bulky and fooling with the water collection pan was a PITA.
Oh lol one last thing, I also grew up with a rainbow and OH MY LORD we always knew when the carpet's were clean when the water came out clean. LOVE LOVE LOVE rainbows and when I move into a house with carpet again I will make sure o get myself a rainbow. Grammi only sold her's because ... I think I ran it over or something... can't quite remember what it was exactly but I think it was in the garage and it was damaged to the point it was unrepairable....
Ok so I just got back from their office.
I tried to give them some paper work that says I am suppose to mail to them to cancel my return but they wouldnt take it. So right after I left there I sent it to them via mail with a return receipt.
They still tried to give me a $90 check. I told them that was the incorrect amount and someone had told us that we would be getting a full return. Two men came in the office shut all 3 doors and started to blame me again for everything. I got my father on the phone who gave them a good talking to.

It took everything I had in me to not loose it (anger wise) in there. The man who came and picked up the vacuum was on the phone with my dad and was flat out calling me a liar! He said: 'Everyone in this room knows that we left that brand new vacuum and it was returned with a film where it looked like a dog licked it and a scratch.'

I almost dropped my jaw! Ok, so now my dogs did it?!? Excuse me but last time I checked dog slobber comes off with the windex of mine you used!
It could have been that cleaner that guy was spraying all over my living room! I saw him set that handle down on my we carpet!!!!!!

RRRRRRR. Well after he got off the phone he told the guy to write me a check for $115 then said 'Im done with this!' stormed out of the office and shut the door rather forceful.

My dad is said hell try to get me my $25 back and to make sure I get the check cashed asap AFTER making a copy of it.
Time to take a walk to the police station? Or at least call the Better Business Bureau.
If you have time make up a sign saying "These people are crooks" and walk back and forth in front of their office. You may as well get your $25.00 of satisfaction in knowing that you'll be irritating the snot out of them.

A long time ago I took a job selling insurance door to door. Worst job I ever had. But they taught us things to look for to see if your potential customers are buyers. The #1 thing was a Kirby vacuum cleaner. I made it into one couples house one day and they had a brand new one sitting out in plain view. "Sweet!" I thought to myself. Then I noticed another 5 or 6 year old one off to the side. I was sure of a sale. But I sucked at selling so I didn't make a sale.

But if you can go march back and forth in front of their office. If they tell you to leave tell them that it'll cost them $25.00. Public humiliation of swindlers works wonders.

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