Kirby Vacuums ::::Another UPDATE >:(::::

I left a nice little comment on their business reviews. So did a former employee (and by nice I mean horrible

This is what I wrote to the BBB:
Salesmen would not leave house after pressuring sales pitch that leaves you feeling dirty and guilty. A few minute demo turned into 3 hours. We bought the Kirby Vacuum because it was really the only way they would leave. We called the next day to return. Set it by front door as soon as they left and did not touch again. They came to get it and said there was a scratch and a film that would not come off after using MY Windex to try and remove. Tried to blame my dogs for licking it but dog slobber will come off with Windex. There were two men in my home bullying and shaming me for the damage on a vacuum I only touched one time. "Said vacuum" was used to demo my house and by the look of the box others. They stated that it was a brand new vacuum and all they use are new vacuums. When the salesman shampooed my carpet I watched him lay the handle (piece with film) on the treated carpet. When trying to explain I was cut off once again stating they don’t leave damaged vacuums. They never over looked the product at all before they left & they never had me sign anything saying that the product was in mint condition. Said it was going to cost me $50 to get it cleaned. No where in the contract does it state that I have to pay anything for a return. It states that I will not be panelized or obligated with any return. They returned my old vacuum (they take your old vacuum for a “discount”) with parts missing and no refund. After feeling bullied and wronged I called my father & explained everything to him. He called the company on my behalf & they agreed to return full payment. Next day I drove up to the office. They took me in the back, put two men against me, & shut all 3 doors to further pressure, bully, and shame me out of my money. One man spoke to my father and then agreed to give me only half back. I asked them if I could please have my vacuum piece back which they would not give me. After check was written one man made a nasty remark and slammed the door. I left there feeling swindled and embarrassed.

What does the BBB do with claims?​
Closing the doors was a stupid move on their part, I would go to the police dept and file a complaint that you were held against your will until you agreed to their terms. Not a bright move at all, fortunately for them you are a decent person, a shifty person would have filed assault charges.
For $70 a month I'd hire a maid for at least 1 day of work to give me a REAL break. My house is not spotless, but clean enough for me to be happy with my under $100 vacuum!

I agree, walk the front of the building the sign, it is completely legal to do so. I've done it, and I've had a neighbor do it... and BOY do you get satisfaction when they see what you are doing to them in this economy!!!
What does the BBB do with claims?

Does your county have a local consumer advocate? I would file a complaint with them, they are usually a little-known about entity that most states have in each county
Sarah..why wont they give you back your vacuum piece?
I would FLIP on them...I would NOT leave without it...
Go back there and raise HELL!
I dont think the BBB is going to do much for you..sorry..
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I have one, you will end up never using the bells and whistles. It does weigh a ton!! You are better off finding one at a garage sale for 500.00 My FIL did. It is nice but if I did it all over again I wouldn't not Rainbow or anyother vacuum
My grandma bought one of those Kirbys from a door to door salesman. And it was in the shop with their free warrenty more than it vacumed our floor. Before 6 months was up its motor burned out. Every time they fixed the darn thing it went belly up shortly after. Finally one day when it broke down, sent it to get fixed she told them to keep their piece of trash.

It was in the shop so much getting fixed, she had to buy another vacume to use while it was gone..

I wouldnt buy one, I would send it back.
My grandparents bought one of those from the door to door people, it's a good vacuum......just not the door to door sales part. My mom who saw the demonstaration picked the same vacuum up at a yard sale for a fraction of the cost, and just borrow's my grandma's attachements for it when she needs them

Me, best vacuum I have EVER used (I like it better than the Kirbys that mom has) was an Eureka commercial vacuum that I bought at Sam's club for about $130. ALL it does is suck dirt out of carpets - no attachements, but it does it's job WELL. We used to rent and I swear for the first month it was sucking dirt up from the past 5 tenants!!!

Shutting you in their little office was a REALLY bad move on their part. You should raise holy heck about that!!! Anything you can throw at them legally, assault charges, whatever you can charge them with . . . . pitch a huge fit about it!!

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