Kudos to great Post Offices- who's yours?


Got The Blues
14 Years
Nov 22, 2007
My Coop
My Coop
Citra, FL!!!

Awesome, awesome girls (and guy). Friendly, helpful, call me at work when I have eggs....hehe, one time he called and said, hey, we were playing soccer in the back with a box, and realized it was a box that came for you marked Fragile, so sorry!!! He's a laugh a minute.

They are fabulous, and go out of their way to do a great job. I always send them a big can of cookies at Christmas time, they are the best!!!!!!!!
Axton, VA!

My little town P.O. and its workers are quite wonderful too! They are always very careful with the hatching eggs I send along with calling me and when eggs that I've ordered arrive. They even check up on my hatching eggs I buy to see how many hatch! They are absolutely wonderful!
Seviercounty Tn.

Fantastic P.O. folks out here, call and let
me know they are coming to the door.
hows that for service..
Farmville, VA, which is my "hub". They called me late in the evening to let me know that my chicks had just arrived. I went there to pick them up so they didn't have to wait overnight to come to my local post office.

And Dillwyn, VA, my local post office. They called my house the next morning, worried because the chicks hadn't arrived on schedule.

Montgomery, Texas

Local peeps who care about their community/family! Ya'll rock!
I go to a little country post office, the gal there is great. To bad it will probly we closed down within the year !! An my Mailman
he is the greatest. I remember one time I ran out to meet him, saying "MY eggs are here !!" He replyed "These are eggs , they aren't marked eggs, I promise I was careful anyway, but tell them to mark them as eggs !!!" He was so worried about them and so upset that the person hadn't even put fragile on the box. All I could do was laugh at him.
Sidney, Montana


They call me early, and let me come in before they open to get chicks! Gotta love those guys

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