

11 Years
Oct 21, 2008
Rome Ga
went outside today and one of my domique hens was sick and closing her eyes and coughing....I have never had a sick chicken before....DH gave her a shot of that what you do for a cold?
Chickens dont get colds, gapeachy. I cant say what she has, though. Have you introduced new birds without a quarantine period lately? I've never had a chicken with any respiratory illnesses and havent heard one cough, but there are many diseases they contract. If it's viral, antibiotics wont do anything except prevent secondary bacterial infections. My policy is to cull for any respiratory illnesses, never to treat (because of the nature of diseases that make birds carriers for the rest of their lives). Maybe someone who treats can tell you about the dosage or answer other questions.
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I give mine 1/2 ml in the nape of the neck once a day for 5-7 days. Also, keep her separated--she very well could be contagious!

Editing to say that I have rarely had to do this, but when I have, I want to atleast give them a chance to get better before culling. Good luck!
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Colds are causes by viruses. LA-200 is an antibiotic which would be effective against bacteria only. Generally LA-200 is given to larger beasts, but I think 0.5CC shouldn't be overkill. I usually use penecillin since it's cheaper and available in smaller quantities. I usually use around 1 CC IM in the thigh. It's easier to do thatn trying to find a SQ location.

also, if it's coccidiossis, then the antibiotics will do nothing.
Yes, LA-200 is a good drug, 1/2cc in the breast muscle or leg muscle whichever is easier, alternate injection sites. I would do this for a week as well.
I have never heard about the leg muscle until now. Can you explain exactly where--like the hip? Thanks!
The meaty upper leg -

I have only used the leg in a pinch when the bird does not really have enough breast to do a shot in. Which is usually the case when the bird has been sick for a while and has gone undetected.

When I vaccinate for Mareks, I also use the leg on chicks.
Great...I hope you don't mind me asking all these questions, but since you mentione vaccinations, what all do you vaccinate for? I just want to know because I'd like to know the standard practice for vaccines...there are so many bird illnesses out there--what is standard for vaccines and how often? Thanks!!
Yes, LA-200 is a good drug, 1/2cc in the breast muscle or leg muscle whichever is easier, alternate injection sites. I would do this for a week as well.
Hi! I know this thread is old, but I was wondering if you knew what the egg withdrawal period was for la200?

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