Ladies over 30 Years of Age

I am 38 (for another month at least) and I think they are sexy when done right. My husband has a Grim Reaper on his upper arm and he is getting someone to draw him an old style executioner for the other arm. He makes sure he only has tats that can be covered when wearing a short sleeved t-shirt and jeans. I have a few of my own and I am sure I will have more (just in places that don't sag!!! LOL)
Nope. not into tattoos. I've seen some pretty gross ones. One of my neighbors has a hanged rooster on his calf. I forget the reason, but it's ugly.
but we weren't talkin about spring water
I guess it is an accurate statement that i am naive to lots of subject
If the tat is tasteful and the artwork is done well, it can be a real turn-on. But if the tat is nasty, or the dude is rude, forget it! I've got 2 tats, and hubby is clean... guess it works for us.
Ok, I may not be 30, or a girl but heres my opinion on tatoos, Spend 6 years in Navy and never got one, Have seen Lots on guys and girls that were OK, but my fear of needles, and my mother disowning me prevents me from getting one.

I think the ones done in someones kitchen while High or drunk are the best reminders to those that have them Dont Drink and Tat, its a lifelong commitment.

I think the best ones can be hidden if needed. So small tastefully done YES, Large covering both arms, neck and half of face NO.

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