Large Beautiful Rooster, What is he?

I’ve been searching everywhere to try to figure out what kind of roster my Afro is! He looks JUST like this, just a little darker! We named him Afro because when he was just a chick his head grew feathers as if he had an Afro, he out grew it, but still. He’s the largest of my rosters.
I think this one looks more like yours.
I’ve been searching everywhere to try to figure out what kind of roster my Afro is! He looks JUST like this, just a little darker! We named him Afro because when he was just a chick his head grew feathers as if he had an Afro, he out grew it, but still. He’s the largest of my rosters.
Not sure... But this handsome boy reminds me of Attack?
I’ve been searching everywhere to try to figure out what kind of roster my Afro is! He looks JUST like this, just a little darker! We named him Afro because when he was just a chick his head grew feathers as if he had an Afro, he out grew it, but still. He’s the largest of my rosters.
I would also say your boy looks like a possible CCL mix.

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