Large Beautiful Rooster, What is he?



7 Years
Mar 8, 2012
Shelby, NC
This is my rooster. He was a gift from a friend a year or so ago because he was getting picked on. Since I just started here at BYC, I decided this would be a good question to ask. I'm somewhat novice when it comes to recognizing different types of breeds, colors, combs, etc. Anyone know off the top what he is? Also, I still haven't named him if anyone wants to toss out ideas.

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Not a Legbar mix at all IMO. But in the very least not an F1 cross or he would be barred.
Same with Faverolles. Not a F1 cross. Missing dominate traits.
Thinking this one is probably a mix of some mixes. Old school barnyard mix. IDK
Not sure.

But I feel like now is a perfect time to add to the confusion and add another bird.

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