Large BR Pullet about to be 36 weeks and hasn't laid!

Actually, she seems to have some hormone issues. She isn’t male. But her comb is quite large, and she aaalmost resembles a roo, but isn’t. She’s a Cuckoo Marans, also. These things may or may not resolve.

Thank you. She does have quite a large comb for a female. I had another "pullet" become Roo and it was very obvious. Especially when he began to crow 😂. All of this girl's feathers are rounded, she is the shape and feathering of a hen. Just extra large floppy comb...
Can you get some clear, up close pics of the head and tail area?


Realistically, I have no idea as to her breed. The comb is typical of a Mediterranean breed. It would be interesting to know what her DNA is. Hatchery bred birds are frequently ?

It would be super interesting! Well, whatever she's all mixed up with she's a great bird. Despite being unfulfilling in her intended function, she gives back tenfold in a lot of sweet companionship ♡
Really? I've posted so many photos of her development on here and have been assured over and over she is a pullet... She has no saddle or hackle feathers and hasn't even showed a sign of crowing.
Well, that comb is very large for a hen. I see hackle feathers and it appears the saddle feathers are hidden, as I can slightly see them.
I would think that at 36 weeks you chicken would look, act, and sound very much like a rooster. Do your chickens free range? I had a hen that was 10 months old and I thought she wasn't laying. Low and behold I found a clutch of her hidden eggs. She had 23 of them, so had probably started laying around eight or nine months.

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