Large Fowl Cochin Thread

Well, this afternoon I went to put golf balls in the nest boxes.
When I opened the door and looked in the corner of the hen house there set a beautiful egg!
I have my first layer!
Now, the question is do I mark the date on the egg and let it stay there for her to add more or
do I bring it in the house? I really would like for her to brood and hatch. I know it is asking a lot
from my first time layer but I'm not sure what to expect from my LF cochin girls.

thoughts? Suggestions?
I leave my eggs alone if I want them to sit. I do date them so I can keep track of time. Mine seem to want to sit if there are 2 or more eggs in there. Right now they don't seem interested which is good since its going into winter but look out when spring comes around. :0)
Updated pics of Rocky, I still have no clue. Rocky is now 5 months old . Shadow is crowing and chasing the hens but Rocky is not.

Rocky, sorry about the mud we have had rain all week

Shadow is the same age and definitely a cockerel

Another one of Rocky

Any thoughts on Rocky's gender
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Thank you. This one has been very hard for me to figure out. It's comb and wattles turned bright red and grew earlier then Shadow's and then has not changed since it was about 4 weeks old. I really hope Rocky turns out to be Rockette.
Hen for sure.
I have several girls that have combs and waddles exactly like that.
They lay eggs and before laying eggs they liked to dig a hole out in the
straw and just set for a spell.
Rockette she is
Definitely a hen. I am new to BYC, and am glad to see a thread for LF Cochins, although I do have a couple of bantams too. Here is a picture of my girl Pengen (Ping-en), she is about 5 months in these pictures.

My wife and I wanted chickens so we talked and looked....... Then she told me what she had when she had her farm LF Cochin ever since then I have been hooked sines then something got in our coop and killed or folk. Hop to get a new folk this spring if we can get a order in fir day olds. Anyone one if some one who is doing splash and blues

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