Large Fowl Cochin Thread

I think you should breed Groucho, he is gorgeous.
I would like to breed Blueberry and Lavender. I have some interest in my area for large fowl blue cochins. He is just very girly. He will stand like a flamingo in the dirt, so as not to get his feet wet and dirty. He is ridiculous. I love him though. He doesn't have an aggressive bone in his body.

Groucho got his name because he is a clown. He runs around like an ostrich and hops like a kangaroo. He is becoming flock guardian though, roaming out to the fringes at free range time and running to any squabble to intervene. He helped me catch a Guinea that got loose. I never would have caught him without Groucho. My LF hen prefer him though the roost together at night, during the day she prefers the company of my tiniest Calico Cochin
Not only are the cockerels slow to feather and reach full size, but they don't seem as hormonal as other breed cockerels. Big Blue, Groucho's sire, is top rooster in the Cochin flock and High Stepper and The Black did not show sexual interest until they were closer to 15 months of age. They both were gentlemen, waiting for the ladies to come to the dance. I actually had to pair them with a few of the layer hens to teach them the courtship process.

Here are photos of Big Blue on the left and High Stepper (named because of the way he walks)

Will have to get a good photo of The Black.
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Not only are the cockerels slow to feather and reach full size, but they don't seem as hormonal as other breed cockerels. Big Blue, Groucho's sire, is top rooster in the Cochin flock and High Stepper and The Black did not show sexual interest until they were closer to 15 months of age. They both were gentlemen, waiting for the ladies to come to the dance. I actually had to pair them with a few of the layer hens to teach them the courtship process.

This is one reason I love this breed so much. I adore cochin roosters, and hope to always have one in my flock. are some pictures of The Black and a few more of the other Cochins for this year's breeding pens. Most have finished their molt and are beginning to lay again. Still finishing up molt is The Black and Delilah, a Blue hen.

The Black will be paired with his niece and the two White hens Annabelle and Carmen.

An Iowa Blue hen and the black niece

Big Blue and another Iowa hen. Delilah is raising her last chick and a third Iowa hen is in the brooder room with to chicks.

May pair High Stepper with the two hens that are still brooding chicks.

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