Large Fowl Cochin Thread

Also posted this on other threads but realized the LF Cochin thread fits well for this question:
I'm a little nervous, I have three Cochins all 12 weeks. I just got the lemon lace roo yesterday because I thought I was sure my black and buff Cochins were pullets. Please reassure me! The black and buff have been big from start and very fluffy with lots of feathers. Black had red comb and wattles for a while but she grew into them. The roo I got yesterday is smaller and definitely isn't as full feather-wise as the girls. When comparing the roo to my black pullet though, it seems her wattles and comb may be the same!! She also pecks at him, others might, too, but she really went after him in front of me. I hope she really is a pullet as I just want one roo.
Black Cochin (Pullet?)

Buff Cochin (Pullet)

Buff Cochin Tail

Lemon Lace (Roo)

Mine are 11 weeks. By 6 weeks there was no question who was a roo. Currently you can see the pullet on top has little to no color or wattles, the cockerel on the bottom is obvious. This is my first batch of Cochins that I have raised and been able to watch grow so maybe someone who has had them longer will chime in.

I have a second batch that are coming up on 4 weeks and I think I have 3/3. The boys combs are popping and already beginning to show some color.

Good luck, hope you figure it out without having to wait for them to crow!
Mine are 11 weeks. By 6 weeks there was no question who was a roo. Currently you can see the pullet on top has little to no color or wattles, the cockerel on the bottom is obvious. This is my first batch of Cochins that I have raised and been able to watch grow so maybe someone who has had them longer will chime in. I have a second batch that are coming up on 4 weeks and I think I have 3/3. The boys combs are popping and already beginning to show some color. Good luck, hope you figure it out without having to wait for them to crow!
Thanks for the tips. I'm pretty good at sexing all my other chicks. These just have such small combs and no red showing. I figured they would Adleast be growing but not yet I guess. Maybe I got lucky and have all pullets lol. I deserve it cause all my other hatchling have turned into roosters. :(
Thanks for the tips. I'm pretty good at sexing all my other chicks. These just have such small combs and no red showing. I figured they would Adleast be growing but not yet I guess. Maybe I got lucky and have all pullets lol. I deserve it cause all my other hatchling have turned into roosters.
I've had an over population of boys this year and so have some others I've compared notes with. Not sure what is up with the universe but we sure don't need so many boys!
How large do Cochins get and if they are in a covered pen how about the heat how does that affect them?
Sorry for the late response. I have been out of town. It depends on the line of Cochins as to how big they get. Some are tiny bantams and I have seen a rooster that was 15 lbs. You can get a good idea by looking at the parents of any birds you are buying.

As far as heat, there are a number of factors that affect that. Most birds have more issue with heat than with cold. I have never heard anything about Cochins being any more sensitive to heat than any other birds.
Ruby I live where it gets 100 + in the summer as well. I read that any breed that has feathered legs or feet are more susceptible to the heat. I've got a kiddie pool in the coop. I use 2 liter soda bottles to freeze ice and keep the water cold. I periodically go out and dip everyone in the water to keep them cool. :)
I've been kind of reading up on that.... I would love it if they would get into a kiddy plastic pool with a couple inches of water in it. Getting ready to put in misters tomorrow.

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