Lavender Ameraucana Breeders .... UNITE

Hello all -

After finding out the "Ameraucana" chicks I'd purchased this spring were actually EE's, I've started looking into private breeders. We don't have any private breeders anywhere in my state (Kentucky) and I'm doing all I can to help change that myself. I've devoted a whole new coop and pasture space to breeding Ameraucanas, and I've particularly been interested in this crux facing Lavenders - they're such beautiful birds. I'm wanting to be of help to all of you here that are working hard at trying to isolate genes, etc to get the coloration of the breed recognized by the ABC.

I've put in my application with the Club, as was suggested by a lady I spoke with last week. She and I were planning on meeting sometime, and she had a flock of 4 Lavs that she had told me she'd sell me - I emailed her as requested and have not received a reply. I don't know if she's already sold her breeding/show flock or not - I'm kinda in the dark...

So I'm now asking all of you if you can direct me to good breeding stock - either amongst yourselves, or another private breeder in the States. My sons and I are getting into breeding our self-blue OEGB, and my personal preference is the large fowl variety of Lav Ameraucanas...due to the fact that they're not recognized, even though I've seen here many success cases.

If anyone here knows where I can find quality chicks/started roos and pullets so I can get my own breeding flock going to be able to be of assistance in the matter, please I said, there are zero breeders in Kentucky for ANY Ameraucana variations, and you all know as well as I do that "mail order" Ameraucanas tend to wind up being EEs - which doesn't help in the breeding arena at all. Don't get me wrong, I love the EEs I have - they'll provide us with beautiful eggs to sell and eat, and they're pretty friendly birds. But if I'm going to get a good breeding flock started, and have any luck at all in helping with the Lavs, I really need some assistance in finding TRUE Ameraucana stock. I've called just about every breeder on the ABC directory and left messages, or I've emailed, and I'm not getting any responses at all.

I'm starting to feel ignored - like this is some sort of exclusive thing - that doesn't want newcomers.

Don't let the condescension or silence get to you. There are worse breeds to be involved in-lol!
I have chicks hatching every week. Lavs and splits, good stock, awesome egg color, several years invested in them. PM me and we can work out some details. I don't turn anybody away- the more people we have breeding and showing the better.
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As you have found out, there is a waiting list for the real Ameraucanas. I suggest you contact John Blehm (Chick Hatchery) and order the chicks for next year. Also contact Paul Smith and get on his waiting list too. If you are really serious you will need to devote time and energy to these birds starting by waiting patiently for them to arrive, however long that takes.

You just missed out on buying some of the most beautiful Lavender birds. I was very tempted - but the shipping cost threw me. hardinpoultry bought them. If you can find any chicks from Crystal Creek's birds that would be another good start.

You can get Lavender and Lavender/Split eggs here on BYC. I believe there is an auction going right now on the New Crazy 24HR auction thread for blue/black/splash.. Bookmark that one and watch for the Lavenders. Also check out the Buy, Sell, Swap section on BYC.

P.S. - there is no such thing as "quality chicks" You will get chicks - they will turn out how they turn out - and you have to choose and breed the best ones. That's why this color is called "A Work In Progress".

The "patiently waiting" you mention is something I've been doing for over a year. I had been a member at another poultry forum (name withheld here out of respect), where I originally got into the idea of raising my own flock. That's how I selected the breeds I pre-ordered for this year; the rest were "rescues" from a couple of local farm stores (True Value/TSC) and a few my son brought home from school from a classroom hatch. I was charged Ameraucana prices for EE's but still managed to get them to lower the price at the store, considering the little guys were completely caked in poo and very lethargic - I'm happy I managed to bring them back around and give them a good home. However - I'd had my mind set on working to breed Lavs from the previous forum I was a member of - and I consistently was ignored there. After 9 months of posting basically the same question I did here, I got a nasty reply, openly, from a breeder that was on the forum - telling me that there was a reason for the few breeders and that they kept it that way and I wasn't welcome. Disillusioned, I left membership there, and awaited my order of Aussies for production layers for this season. A local friend sent me to this forum. After calling and emailing and posting and waiting patiently, nearly a year has gone by where I've waited and waited for a breeder to take me seriously about my interest in these birds. I think I've been pretty patient, considering. :)

I'm working on getting a decent incubator and egg-turner, as it was looking like my only option was going to be to go the shipped-egg route. I should have the equipment by this weekend, thankfully. It's rather pricey, but worth it for breeds such as these that eggs are easier to find, than live birds.

What I was referring to as "quality chicks" are chicks that are actually REAL Ameraucanas. SO many have been sold EEs as Ameraucanas - and not just from hatcheries. I'm a firm believer that if you're paying for something, that's what you should get. I'm well-researched enough to know that birds will hatch "as-is," and culling is part of the process to getting the best end result from breeding stock. :)

Maybe that clarifies. I hope so. I might be new to the forum, and new to raising my own flock - but I grew up with Old English chickens that were shown and bred, as well as Limousin/Jersey/Brahma cattle, and AQHA-registered Paint horses. I've just now had the opportunity to get back out in the country and away from ridiculous city and county ordinances on birds, in general, to be able to do anything on my own.

I'll contact the people you listed - and wait some more. I've already been waiting a year; I guess my gauge of normal wait-time is way lower than what is originally required to even get true Ameraucana chicks...let alone the color variations necessary to isolate the Lav genes.
What I was referring to as "quality chicks" are chicks that are actually REAL Ameraucanas. SO many have been sold EEs as Ameraucanas - and not just from hatcheries. I'm a firm believer that if you're paying for something, that's what you should get. I'm well-researched enough to know that birds will hatch "as-is," and culling is part of the process to getting the best end result from breeding stock. :)

Every time someone asks me for an Ameraucana I ask them if they want a TRUE Ameraucana or just a bird which lays a colored egg. (The answer is about 75% colored egg and 25% Ameraucana with some questioning about true Ameraucanas.)

I live in a super rural area and constantly get questions about "Orphingtons" and "Domineckers" and "bannys"... I had someone tell me that they could buy hatchery Black Copper Marans for less than mine. You may pay less but they probably won't actually be Black Copper Marans, or they will be a hybrid that doesn't lay a dark egg. You do get what you pay for (except Ameraucanas, apparently).
Don't let the condescension or silence get to you. There are worse breeds to be involved in-lol!
I have chicks hatching every week. Lavs and splits, good stock, awesome egg color, several years invested in them. PM me and we can work out some details. I don't turn anybody away- the more people we have breeding and showing the better.

The "exclusiveness" stuff is DEFINITELY present in parlor rollers and fantail pigeons, too - my husband and his stepfather can attest to that! His stepdad even received "threats" over his competition flock when he announced he was going into breeding. He'd been a consistent winner, was eager to help others get started - but there were a few folks in that arena that were NOT happy that he was planning on making his prized birds' gene line available to others in the business. I really appreciate your response. After over a year of condescendence and even nasty open replies on another poultry forum when asking about Lavs - or even blue/black/splash - I left that forum and came here on a local friend's recommendation. I'll be in touch - again, thank you! :)

Every time someone asks me for an Ameraucana I ask them if they want a TRUE Ameraucana or just a bird which lays a colored egg. (The answer is about 75% colored egg and 25% Ameraucana with some questioning about true Ameraucanas.)

I live in a super rural area and constantly get questions about "Orphingtons" and "Domineckers" and "bannys"... I had someone tell me that they could buy hatchery Black Copper Marans for less than mine. You may pay less but they probably won't actually be Black Copper Marans, or they will be a hybrid that doesn't lay a dark egg. You do get what you pay for (except Ameraucanas, apparently).

I hear those descriptive "names" around here, too - I'm in Eastern KY now (came from Central KY) and I am constantly giggling at the pronunciations of some of the breeds - or the lack of even knowing anything at all about breeds in general. I get asked on a weekly basis by a fella in town when I go pick up our feed if I've "got any of them there colored-eggers layin' yet - ain't they old enough to lay once they get their feathers?" ;-)

I've definitely learned over the years that in livestock, you get people that will pull the wool on you if you don't know what you're looking for, specifically. Rather than argue the validity of the "Ameraucana" label on the chicks I saved at the store, I argued their care, and managed to save money AND lives. The big coop/pasture is for our layer flock - the side pasture is being divided this coming week into three separate pastures and I've got two more coops in progress in the basement for the breeding/show flocks I have planned. I already have one flock going - just need to get the Lavs going and I'm set with all I can handle for the time being! Thanks for the honest reply - congrats on the acquisition of the Lav chicks recently! :)
I hear those descriptive "names" around here, too - I'm in Eastern KY now (came from Central KY) and I am constantly giggling at the pronunciations of some of the breeds - or the lack of even knowing anything at all about breeds in general. I get asked on a weekly basis by a fella in town when I go pick up our feed if I've "got any of them there colored-eggers layin' yet - ain't they old enough to lay once they get their feathers?" ;-)

I've definitely learned over the years that in livestock, you get people that will pull the wool on you if you don't know what you're looking for, specifically. Rather than argue the validity of the "Ameraucana" label on the chicks I saved at the store, I argued their care, and managed to save money AND lives. The big coop/pasture is for our layer flock - the side pasture is being divided this coming week into three separate pastures and I've got two more coops in progress in the basement for the breeding/show flocks I have planned. I already have one flock going - just need to get the Lavs going and I'm set with all I can handle for the time being! Thanks for the honest reply - congrats on the acquisition of the Lav chicks recently! :)
It's why we put off getting Ameraucanas for so long. If we were going to get "Ameraucanas" the BF wanted ACTUAL Ameraucanas and not Easter Eggers. It's tough to find breeders who breed true Ams and not Easter Eggers. We lucked out and found our first pair on Craigslist from someone a little over an hour from us. We also emailed people before and got great responses until it was time to actually purchase chicks/eggs and then it all went quiet. It's a hard breed to get into if you don't already know people.
There are actually quite a few Ameraucana breeders in TN. I don't know why they aren't all on the breeder's directory (hint, hint Donna!). The SE district director is right in Carthage and she goes to tons of shows in the area, and organizes several trade days at TSC. You just have to know where to look.

But the ABC forum can be scary. I know I am not the only one that doesn't feel comfortable there. That's exactly why Donna started this thread.
There are actually quite a few Ameraucana breeders in TN. I don't know why they aren't all on the breeder's directory (hint, hint Donna!). The SE district director is right in Carthage and she goes to tons of shows in the area, and organizes several trade days at TSC. You just have to know where to look.

But the ABC forum can be scary. I know I am not the only one that doesn't feel comfortable there. That's exactly why Donna started this thread.     

Then I would really like to take a minute to thank Donna. Thank you...Donna....
Ah, by "quality chicks" you mean you want real Ameraucanas, not EEs. Yes, that can be a challenge because there are people who do not know the difference, and those who think their birds are "Real" because the Hatcheries told them so. I would say MOST of the breeders on here know their birds - and if you follow their conversations a bit you can learn exactly what they are working on with their birds. Those that are working on something are the ones that know. Those that are just enjoying the eggs or pushing "Real" when the birds don't look right - those I would avoid. I would also avoid most of the auctions on eBay, etc...

I think if you had placed an order and sent your check in when you started last year this year you would have some juveniles to work with. I have three Lavs and 5 Black/Splits.. may have more boys than girls but I have a place to start. I would not "contact" John. I would print out his order form, fill it out - and send it in. I placed my order in August - he hatches Feb to May - and he was out of Lavenders by November. You can only buy 10 Lavenders - but you can buy the rest as Lavender Spits or Blacks -so you can work on the feather problems. The gene that creates the color has been isolated. It needs to be "improved".

I hope you enjoy the forum here. I really enjoy reading the wisdom of Jerry with his amazing knowledge of what crosses in and what doesn't work and how to get back to the "right colors" - and the pictures he has shared. I learned a lot from reading this thread from the beginning, and reading on the ABC website the discussions about breeding, genetics, etc, and on the first Ameraucana thread. I also learned that they have had to answer on that thread time an time again the same questions from EE owners.. the "No, your bird is not an Ameraucana, Yes, you were lied to by the Feed Store, Hatchery, Private breeder who doesn't separate colors and didn't tell you"... etc...etc. So when they get short with people who refuse to believe them.. I understand. I have hopped in a few times and answered to try and re-direct people to the EE thread, because EEs are good birds, they just are not purebred. I am glad you saved your group - they are some of my favorite birds and I have been raising them almost exclusively for the past 20 years. The only thing I didn't like was they did not go broody - so I lost my breeding stock to old age and had to buy more - except the EEs are getting skinnier and now have the possibility of un-fuzzy faces and brown eggs
I now have a good incubator and a few broody hens of a different breed.

I hope you can find the birds you want to start with, and I agree that a good incubator is the best investment. That way you can get eggs here and there, pick the best that you grow and go from there. You will also need that incubator when you start crossing your birds - I have heard that 1 in 100 will be a good bird, yikes!

Hmm.. that was rather the opposite of my introduction. I learned about them last year - and I decided I liked the Lavenders and wanted to work with them. I put it on hold for a bit, then when I was setup to get some more birds I went online, found the order form, filled it out and sent it in with my check to John. The chicks arrived this year. I don't know why you received silence... and I know nobody in chickens...
Hmm.. that was rather the opposite of my introduction. I learned about them last year - and I decided I liked the Lavenders and wanted to work with them. I put it on hold for a bit, then when I was setup to get some more birds I went online, found the order form, filled it out and sent it in with my check to John. The chicks arrived this year. I don't know why you received silence... and I know nobody in chickens...
It wasn't Lav breeders we got silence from - we originally looked at BBS. Then crystal creek's Lav's became available and we took that opportunity.

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