Lavender Orpington project ....

Now I've got two nice black roos and a lav roo. But the blacks are nicer looking than the lavender. How many times will it take to get better looking lavenders if I breed the blacks to the lav hens? I've no black hens by the way. I'm considering getting rid of the lav roo and just keeping one of the black roos. All came from the hinkjc farm.

If I breed blak to a lave how many of the chicks should I keep to grow out? I do intend to breed a black to a BBS hen too.
I have always lurked on this thread, and kept up with it pretty well, (always been interested and hopeful Id have a flock of Lavs) And guess what?? I am now a chick mommy to a total of 10 Lavender Orps!!!

2 are about 7 weeks old, 4 are 2 weeks old, and 4 are a week old!!! I got them from malapine farm, in VA and they are from Hinkjc's line. Which is just plain awesome!!
Now we just wait and hope for at least a couple girls.
i have had terrible luck this year with hardly any pullets!

Pictures to come!!
what is the best way to determine if you have a light blue orp or a true lavender orp? (if it carries lavender, do you still see ratty tails in the split lavender birds?)
hi guys, so one of my golden laced cochins ended up being a roo and the breeder told me i could bring him back and exchange him for a new bird. he said he has a couple lavender orps and i am very interested in them. So my question is can most lavenders be sexed at 12-14 weeks? if so what are some tell tail signs i know everyone says pointy hackle and saddle feathers but i don't think i've seen enough to know the different between them really. are there any other signs should i just get the one with the smallest comb? will wattles have developed by then on both sexes? any help would be greatly appreciated
Yes, that is a Lavender Mottled chick.

Can anyone share with me the breeding % of Mottled x Mottled if I decide to set up a mottled breeding pen? What about Mottled X Lav Roo? I have hatched 2 sets of eggs and bought a set of Lav chicks over the past few months to pick the best ones for breeding next year. I was not considering anything with mottled until I ended up with 3 mottled chicks out of these eggs,but now it sounds fun to play with! Thanks!

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