Lavender Orpington project ....

I am very interested in adding some lavender orps to my flock or mostly buff's. Does anyone sell hatching eggs or can recommend a reputable breeder who does? Thanks
I know there hasn't been any activity for a bit on this thread but thought I would try to get an answer to a question I have about a chicken we took, the owner is sure it is a male ( which is why we have it) but I am not for sure, It does look somewhat like a rooster with the comb and waddles but the feathering and tail just doesn't scream rooster... He/she is 5 months old.. Your input would be greatly appreciated, it doesn't matter either way to me, if a rooster he will replace our older Dominique Rooster, if female I'll be looking for a lav roo for her

she or he is the light greyish looking one in the middle... The owner told me it is a pure lavender Buff Orpington she got from a certified breeder.. Thought?

A pure Lavender Buff Orpington? To be pure, doesn't it have to be either a Lavender Orpington or a Buff Orpington? Lav Orps run true to color if they are mated Lavender Hen to Lavender Roo. If you are breeding the Lavender, you want to breed back to a black to keep the color pure. I've never heard of a pure Lavender Buff Orp. Did he come with papers? Are you able to contact the original breeder? He certainly looks like a Roo. My Blue girls have small combs, and my Black Cuckoo Orp cockerel and Blue Cockeral have combs larger than my Red Orp pullet already. From the picture, your Roo looks like an American Lavender Roo, rather than an English Lavender Roo. There are many people here who have more experience than I do. I'd keep checking!

Many new poultiers are so accustomed to Orpingtons being of the Buff color that the name of the breed is often mistaken to be Buff Orpington, when in fact, Buff is the yellowish color, and Orpington is the breed.

That being said, I would consider that bird ABSOLUTELY male, and I'm actually guessing it's Blue, rather than Lavender.

The Lavender color is an even dilution of pigment that looks a bit like the bird was dipped in grey paint, all the same shade. The Blue dilution generally makes darker pigmentation in a laced pattern around the edge of each feather and thus the tiny feathers on the head and neck and skinny feathers in the area in front of the tail (saddle) look darker because of the lacing.

He could be Lavender, but I guess Blue. Nothing wrong with that! The slow growth will leave you with a great big handsome fellow!
Many new poultiers are so accustomed to Orpingtons being of the Buff color that the name of the breed is often mistaken to be Buff Orpington, when in fact, Buff is the yellowish color, and Orpington is the breed.

That being said, I would consider that bird ABSOLUTELY male, and I'm actually guessing it's Blue, rather than Lavender.

The Lavender color is an even dilution of pigment that looks a bit like the bird was dipped in grey paint, all the same shade. The Blue dilution generally makes darker pigmentation in a laced pattern around the edge of each feather and thus the tiny feathers on the head and neck and skinny feathers in the area in front of the tail (saddle) look darker because of the lacing.

He could be Lavender, but I guess Blue. Nothing wrong with that! The slow growth will leave you with a great big handsome fellow!

Thank you!! I had pretty much figured it was a male, the lack of spurs and his not crowing threw me, I'm not used to slow developing chickens
... I absolutely love him, the big gangly teenager that he is... He had one day where the Dominant rooster kept him hiding in a brush pile but has since been with the flock, hangs out mostly with the pullets but atleast he isn't alone... He is our replacement rooster, so I'm very very happy whether he is Buff, blue or Lavender

New question though...
We are undecided about when to cull our other rooster, should it be when this guy starts showing signs of wanting to be with the ladies or now while he still has a bit to go?
Thank you!! I had pretty much figured it was a male, the lack of spurs and his not crowing threw me, I'm not used to slow developing chickens
... I absolutely love him, the big gangly teenager that he is... He had one day where the Dominant rooster kept him hiding in a brush pile but has since been with the flock, hangs out mostly with the pullets but atleast he isn't alone... He is our replacement rooster, so I'm very very happy whether he is Buff, blue or Lavender

New question though...
We are undecided about when to cull our other rooster, should it be when this guy starts showing signs of wanting to be with the ladies or now while he still has a bit to go?

I totally agree! If it's and Orpington of any color, it's a good thing
Orpingtons tend to take longer to mature. You're guy looks pretty young. Still think he looks more like an American "type" rather than the English because of his slim profile. Orpington roos are very protective of the girls. It's cute to watch. Good luck, and have fun with him! My Blue Orp roo (about 16 mos. old now), expects me to hand feed him in the am, before the hens get to eat (can you say "spoiled?" He's over 2 ft tall and 15 lbs. Yikes!
I totally agree! If it's and Orpington of any color, it's a good thing
Orpingtons tend to take longer to mature. You're guy looks pretty young. Still think he looks more like an American "type" rather than the English because of his slim profile. Orpington roos are very protective of the girls. It's cute to watch. Good luck, and have fun with him! My Blue Orp roo (about 16 mos. old now), expects me to hand feed him in the am, before the hens get to eat (can you say "spoiled?" He's over 2 ft tall and 15 lbs. Yikes!

went to the feed store last week ( Need I say more?) bought enough feed that the lady gave me a sweet deal on BO's .75 each, I bought eight, she said they were 90% sure they were all females...Was cleaning the brooder today and feeding them and noticed one ( I think they are 2-3 weeks old) is taller than the other 7 and has a comb starting!!! Can you say double fist pump!!! First time I have ever been exited one of my chicks turned into a male lol I'll try and get a picture of the one I think is a male and one of his hatch mates tomorrow...
Yay! Good luck with the babies!!! This is such a dangerous time
Of the year to go to the feed store! I bought grain for my horse yesterday and I didn't need it. But, it put my order over $25 and I get 4 free chicks next week? Anyone want to form a "Chicken Obsession" support group with me?
Hi, I absolutely love the color of the Lavender Orpingtons, & am extremely new to this & have them to look at & also would like to breed for a few chicks to be gifts to family members & have just gotten some lav chicks about 5-7 weeks old & the have some white feathers?? And a couple are extremely light??? Could someone please tell me what this means??
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When I got home yesterday and let them out I found one has a nub toe! I called about it, took pictures & went to inspecting the others & 3 more have nub toes!:/ is this hereditary??

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