Lavender Orpington project ....

I'd like to know this as well. I hatched some BBS Orps a few weeks ago (for the purpose of broodies) and it appears most of them are cockerals.
So I'm gonna need some more females!
My Lavenders SHOULD be laying, but they aren't! Any day now .....

Kelly, Of course you know I always share!
Actually, I have 5 Lavender roos, and am willing to part with a couple of them. Then, all you need to do is add Black Orp girls .... and you are on your way!
I have two baby orps that were said to be splash. They are five weeks old now. One looks lavender. I looked at her feather shafts and they start dark and then end light. I guess that means that is a good sign. I have no knowledge about lavenders, but I am wondering if mine is a lavender, then should I try to breed her. There is a local breeder close by who has a black orp. She might let my lavender visit her orp for some eggs, I am sure she will. I really know little to nothing about chicken breeding, and I am not finding as many answers online as I would hope. Any recommendations to learn more about breeding?

I have a couple of questions.
1. Why do they call it lavender? I have some Ameraucana chicks but they look gray to me. I don't see any purple in them. My mums favorite color was lavender and they don't look like that.

2. While I do like them, even though they don't look "lavender", how are they as production birds? For meat or eggs.

3. I have some Buff, do the different colors vary widely in the production area?

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