Lavender Orpington project ....

thanks. i didn't breed them and this is my first venture into the lavenders. the cockrel just has darker wings than any of the others. most of them are bright whitish silver with a slightly head like the pullet shown. even the other cockrels are lighter than this fella.

this is our second hatch - we had one in the spring with 13 lavender chicks - all lavender color.... the second hatch has 4 lavenders and 3 black guys --- WHY ???
last year we bought a dozen eggs from bargain and four hatched - - three females and a male -- we then bought 10 live ones from a different breeder from georgia - they ended up being 9 males and 1 female.... for our first hatch we took 2 roosters we bought live and put them in with the 3 hens from bargain and 1 hen from the live bunch - all thirteen chicks we hatched were lavender.
we may have switched the bargain rooster with one of the other ones for the second hatch - i thought lavenders breed true....
Here are the possibilities that I see:

1. Is it possible that another rooster (not one of your lavenders) got to your hens or that another hen (not one of your lavenders) was laying in the box?

2. At least one of your parent stock is not a lavender (maybe a blue or a splash?

If the answer to #1 is yes, you probably have your answer. If not, can you post pictures of your parent stock?
BTW, the chicks are still adorable!!!!
Thank you HallFamilyFarm! I have punches already and talked to breeders and judges before getting into that. I marked my chicks this year but it was just luck that they hatched on the weekend when I was home all day and I could punch them from the egg markings. This coming year however I want to do some different matings and need to be sure even if I'm not home all day. Are those dish washing baskets? Do they need to "lock"?

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