Lavender Orpington project ....

Never EVER use Blue with Lavender (Self Blue). The bird you posted is not a Lavender (Self Blue) its a Splash. Not a very good quality color Splash. For a backyard bird, it is fine. But if breeding you want to cull all off colored birds. Unfortunately some folks desire to make money off of egg sales is greater than their ethics. Some just do not know better. In either case, you would be better off making dumplins. No offence intended. Start over with some better quality stock.

We will have some very good Orpington type Self Blue hatching eggs available this fall/winter. Hincjc MT/WildsofPa will also have some good quality available. We have both bred back to good type Black Orpingtons to improve the type. Breeding to the Blues/Splashes just bring in more color genetics and makes a mess with the offspring.

Ill get a better pic of him today or tomorrow. I bought a bunch of lavenders and from a guy and his roo was a blue/lavender split? He tossed in a couple blues with the bunch because I told him I wished I had a blue roo. He is approx 5.5month old. Just started crowing but sounds more like an owl right now.

Here is a better picture of Cletus
Here are my other cockerels. Any worth keeping or ditch them all? They are about 18 weeks old.




And then a pic of some of my ladies.
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My current Lavender flock (plus a Wheaten Marans hen), which is probably going to be sold this weekend to thin down the population. Excuse the lack of tailfeathers on the roo...they are just coming out of their first molt. I don't care for the roo much, so I put a Black 7/8 English roo over them in the spring and hatched a bunch of babies. Growing them out now to improve my Lavenders (and found mottled genes, so working on a mottled project as well). The black splits are currently 5 months old and huge! I'll post a couple pics of them too...if they would leave me alone maybe I could get better pics!

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It is. My pictures hid my caption for the last picture. Those are 3 of my girls. My favorite is on the right. She is a really bright silver/lavender color.
I am new to this breed, but last Saturday I went to a major poultry swap in VA and there was a man there selling out of all of his stock. I was there for Swedish Flower Hens as were some of my internet friends. I bought some and then kept finding more people to bring over... the last person I brought over bought out the rest of his youth SFH chicks. The kind gentleman then offered me two Lavender Orpington pullets for... well... pretty much nothing.

They are very young and they look very pretty to me as a newbie to the breed. How do they look to those of you who know about the breed. They are from a breeder in NC and unfortunately that's about all I know.

Lady Silvia:


I know it's probably hard to tell anything from these shots. I"ll try to get better pictures when it stops pouring rain outside :)
Thank you for any input.

Currently I breed SFH, so I have been planning on eating the eggs these girls lay.

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