Lavender over Light Sussex

I wrote
If you have Lights & a source of Lavender ( Orpingtons ?) by mating the F1 you can have Coronation pullets in 2 generations( if you hatch enough chicks), and by mating these pullets to a Light cockerel, and again mating the resulting siblings you will have Coronations in both sexes.

The reasoning behind this is that your most available source of Lavender hens will be Orpingtons.
These having been bred from Black Orpingtons will very likely be gold based. By using the F1 ,Lavender carrying birds, you will get pure Lavenders. Mating these pullets back to a Light Sussex will improve type.
Again mating the F2 will give Lavenders. Each generation of this double step will retain Lavender;improve Sussex type; & reduce the incidence of gold.
The reasoning behind this is that your most available source of Lavender hens will be Orpingtons.
These having been bred from Black Orpingtons will very likely be gold based. By using the F1 ,Lavender carrying birds, you will get pure Lavenders. Mating these pullets back to a Light Sussex will improve type.
Again mating the F2 will give Lavenders. Each generation of this double step will retain Lavender;improve Sussex type; & reduce the incidence of gold.

OK Thats what I was thinking that you must be meaning the gold that may be coming from the orginal mating to the lavs would be the factor that is causing only pullets that will all be pure silver. But there will be a chance at some pure silver coronation males wouldnt there, since there silver and gold were mixed together in the parental mating ? The black split lavender chicks she has now wont be pure gold based, since there father was silver. Or wait

Kathy of the Light Sussex and Lav Orps that you used, which was the mother breed and which was the father breed ?
OK So if your lav was gold based, then the pullets in the chick you have now should be gold based and the and if so then, yes, I think David would be right that when ever you do produce coronation chicks, that only the pullets will be pure silver, you may get some semi coronation colored roos, but they should be split for gold an silver and have a goldish sheen on them, so breeding those pure silver Coro pullets back to a pure silver Light Sussex roo would give all pure silver Light colored Split Coro chicks and breeding them together or back to the Coro colored hens will give pure silver Coro offspring in both sexes.
Yes I guess time will tell for sure.

Good luck and keep us updated
Ah, Kathy, I will just spend my life following you around and buying up your chicks- so much easier than getting my own incubator- although if Harriet is a successful mom (day 20!) I may just send you the big bucks for eggs! I can't wait to see what you get!
Just Coronation mutts, that's all. I have no intention of going any further. I just like the Coronations and thought this would be a fun project.

Actually, I have PURE Coronation Sussex eggs on order, and should get them in a couple weeks. I really really hope that hatch goes well ! ! !

Beth, You are welcome to any of my eggs, anytime! You just name it!

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