Lavender patterned Isabel duckwing barred - lavender brown cuckoo barred - project and genetic dis

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Have you considered using Opal Legbars? Sorry if you have, too lazy to read the whole thread. They seem like the birds you so desire.

Read the whole thread.
What Chickat is breeding is the same combo as that breeder used..
Basically the same thing except ChicKat didn't attach a fancy name and isn't breeding for profit so you don't see her birds spread out so much on the internet.

I know it is the same thing. I was just not sure if she knew about those. I'm not interested in this project, just wanted to help her in case she wanted to invest in those.

I'm excited for @ChicKat ! I can't wait to see the chicks. Get to work boys.:celebrate

Thanks for the updates guys!!!!!

HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE:jumpy:jumpy:jumpy:bun:jumpy:jumpy:jumpy

Looks like the photos that Ameraucanas4real linked are CJWaldon's birds. Aren't they just GORGEOUS. CJ has been a little shy about posting any photos here in this thread-- because she didn't want to upstage my project.
:bow How I love the progress on her project -- and the fabulous photos of those birds. Yea for a job well done!

It's so encouraging that anyone/everyone who wants this variety can get hatching eggs. CJ is instrumental to my project because I got Isabels from two sources and her flock was one. And the other person doesn't have Isabels, nor does CJ anylonger, I think.
Raving on and on about the CJ photos -- and how clearly those chicks are autosexing. Also, that link shows some with and some without crests on the males if I saw them correctly. What a great photo album. It's really encouraging to see.

sorry I didn't reply sooner....luckily when Kikisgirls posted I got a notificaton...and it has just been busy around here. Feral hogs are out tearing up the woods as if a tractor plowed some of the roads and a clearing in the middle and it makes me just about furious that those critters are so destructive.
:mad::he You cannot believe the damage that these varmits do.
Luckily I have gotten a guy to come and set up a trap-pen. Taking equipment to Conroe today to try to get a fix on my "BadBoyBuggy" -- and rehomed my bossy little Banty OEGB -- hope she will be Okay -- she has a personality that won't quit and I kind of miss her.:hit Hope it will be a good home.
AND -- whoooo hooo -- Yes, collecting and marking the eggs for incubation.
I've had so much RAIN that my pond and mosquito hatchery have joined again (The mosquito hatchery puddle-pond lasts longest and is on the very lowest point of my 10+acres -- but the pond is just seasonal.) The water has advanced to as high as it was after hurricane Harvey.

GUYS!!! :droolIt's a done deal.... this variety is available and out there...They're so beautiful -- and as I said -- the birds that I got from CJWaldon were probably the all time best bunch of chicks that I was ever shipped---healthy and hearty and cute as can be.
Everyone needs to get themselves some of these chickens.

Can you tell I'm emoji crazy today. Have been a bit busy to spend a lot of time on BYC and as I said, it seems like I don't get notifications any longer for posts -- so they can sit dormant for some long time.

It's like -- Opal Legbars are here and they're available. (and they are gorgeous) -- IMO they are even prettier than Cream Legbars. Anyone who really wants to can benefit from CJ's hard work and success.

To Moonshiner's point. Yep, CJ & I have almost the same variety. She has carefully cultivated blue eggs, and has kept crests, but the plumage pattern and colors are the same and they are just GORGEOUS IMO.
Sorry for all the emojis for those who find them annoying, but :old I think I've been in emoji withdrawal.
Have a great wk.end... I'll be setting eggs next week if all goes well. :celebrate
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Kat...the wild hogs are a pain in the you know what. I don't have to deal with them but my mom...they used to tear up her property. She was finally able to fence in all her land and it has helped to keep the hogs out. I hope your trip catches the bag guys soon! Good luck. My fav= :barnie
Feral hogs are pretty few up here. I've heard stories but have yet to see one myself.
Question... Are they not good eaten? IDK but sounds like free meat from here. Bacon is expensive and delicious. I'm thinking if they were more plentiful. Here is have to buy a couple freezers. Hell maybe a walk in.
Is winter over down there?
We've had some nice weather but tomorrow is forecasting high of 35° and 60% chance of a little snow.
Feral hogs are pretty few up here. I've heard stories but have yet to see one myself.
Question... Are they not good eaten? IDK but sounds like free meat from here. Bacon is expensive and delicious. I'm thinking if they were more plentiful. Here is have to buy a couple freezers. Hell maybe a walk in.
Is winter over down there?
We've had some nice weather but tomorrow is forecasting high of 35° and 60% chance of a little snow.
Yes...people keep them for meat...just not my people.
Feral hogs are pretty few up here. I've heard stories but have yet to see one myself.
Question... Are they not good eaten? IDK but sounds like free meat from here. Bacon is expensive and delicious. I'm thinking if they were more plentiful. Here is have to buy a couple freezers. Hell maybe a walk in.
Is winter over down there?
We've had some nice weather but tomorrow is forecasting high of 35° and 60% chance of a little snow.
We don't have winter silly.
Yes, they are supposed to be good to eat. (even excellent) -- I started a new thread about these fun things, since it moves OT for the genetics -- It's here:
I'll post updates there -- and I appreciate y'all's moral support.

Regarding winter... I've gotten some strawberries already, and all the trees are leaved out here.
If it would stay like this it would be great....but once it gets to a daily 105 it isn't so great.
Grass greening up and few flowers trying to pop but trees haven't gotten leaves yet here.
Still have some overnights getting below freezing.
In the winter we get artic blasts coming down from the north so a lot of nights way below zero.
Then in the summer we get your heat blowing up here so not uncommon to get to 100°.
Seems we get the worst of both seasons.
Here's a little leghorn chick I hatched. Unfortunately it has been struggling to thrive so thought I'd take a few picks to share in case I lose it.
Love the eye liner under the one eye.
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