Layer feed in the winter?

Anyone ever hear of chickens refusing layer pellets? I have 11 and I've only seen them eat them on rare occasions.. Their feeder is never empty and even the plate of pellets I put out last week is still half full. They do like the scratch I got them instead, but not sure that's all I should be feeding them. Only one is laying, two other hens are of laying age but haven't stared yet. The others are either roos or little guys You are correct, you should not be feeding them scratch in place of layer pellets. Treats should only be about 10% of their food. Did you just switch them over to adult feed from chick grower? I like to start mixing pellets in with their grower feed when they start nearing the age of laying. This way they learn to eat pellets and its also a gradual change from crumbles to pellets. They might not know the pellets are meant to be eaten.
its also my first winter for my 15 red stars... someone told me cracked corn is good to feed them as it helps keep them warm in the winter... any other suggestions for feed alternatives?
The whole corn is actually better at warming them up a bit. But any treats like that should be a small percent of their overall feed. They love greens and table scraps. Pretty much anything we don't eat and have left over from dinner we throw to the chickens. Excluding meat.
I got the younger chickens in July. SO they are over 18 weeks :) in size they are about the same as the older girls...but the older ones definitely pick on the younger ones! For a while they wouldn't even let them roost with them in the evening, but they do now. I think they were about to start laying when the time changed and it got cold, so I figured in the spring they will be ready :)
My chickens don't like too many table scraps they seem to just let it lay out in the yard...I do give them black oil sunflower seeds...they LOVE those :) of course I only give a little as a treat. I feed them the layer pellets which they also LOVE.

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