Layer vs Maintenance Feed


May 21, 2020

I have heard mixed messages about feed when it comes time for laying. I’ve read that maintenance feed and providing oyster shells is something beneficial/safer for ducks in the long run (mine are all females) instead of feeding them layer feed. But, I’ve also read you should use later feed. Could I have some insight from your experiences? Thank you :)
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Best to feed either an All Flock Feed, Purina Rasier feed, or a feed specifically formulated for waterfowl like Mazuri, in addition to this, once they are at the point of lay a separate dish of calcium source should be provided.
Okay! Just to clarify, you’re saying if I use Mazuri Waterfowl Maintenance, I can simply add the oyster shells as a free range option in a dish for them, and there is no real need to get layer feed? Or should I have also layer feed and switch when they lay? I’m so sorry, I’m such a newbie! Thank you so much! :)

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