Laying Rent

We got our hens from (Alchemist Farms --minus the two Ayam Cemani from Cackle). Though they were unsexed had a great experience with them.

Our breeds are French copper marans, isbar, olive eggers and then a hybrid they developed called Moss eggers (mainly maran mix) and Alchemist blues (mainly isbar mix). They've been great and healthy and happy

You ended up with a nice mix of egg layers and egg colors!
You ended up with a nice mix of egg layers and egg colors!
Thanks! We tried to aim 8-10 eggs a day both for consumption and gifting to keep the neighbors at bay so settled on maintaining a flock around 14 which accounts for the slow but beautiful production of the marans which are far and way my favorite hens, though the mellow isbars are quickly becoming a favorite with their prolific production and sweet disposition.
Acute Chickenitis of the Pocketbook. 🤑
ACP. I like it... though I might modify to include the Chronic state as well given on-going difficulty leaving the grocery store without half the vegetables being purchased as treats for the chickens (Frankly I've managed to convince myself I'm getting more vegetables in my diet through them!)
ACP. I like it... though I might modify to include the Chronic state as well given on-going difficulty leaving the grocery store without half the vegetables being purchased as treats for the chickens (Frankly I've managed to convince myself I'm getting more vegetables in my diet through them!)
Acute chickenitis almost always leads to chronic chickopathy and early onset casharrhea. 🫠

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