Laying Shell-less Eggs


11 Years
May 15, 2012
I had an Americauna who laid shell-less eggs for the last couple years of her life. I feed my hens very well and give them Nutri Drench and have added things like oyster shells, etc. Well now, I have a New Hampshire Red girl who is laying some shell-less eggs. About a month ago, she was sick and just lying on the ground during the day and I found a broken half shell (never found the other half) without any yolk or whites. She recovered and about 2 weeks later started laying eggs again, but they were small. This week she has laid 2 shell-less eggs. I don't know what more I can give her to fix this problem. I give them mineral water with coconut water a couple of times a week. I put Nutri Drench in the water. They have oyster shells out there. I give them layer feed and add the stuff to make them have good strong shells (I think it is called 'Egg Maker'). Anything else I can add that I don't know about yet?
Thanks everyone for the suggestions. I ordered some calcium citrate and will put it in their food. I also have a friend going through the same problem with one of her chickens and was able to share this info with her.
Here's to healthy chicken eggs!!!!!!!
There's not really a specific dosage that I'm aware of. Best to start more aggressively and then ease back and as long as the egg shells are still coming out strong, then it's "enough." Since this is a bantam you may find it easier to use smaller pills or tablets, or breaking them in half for a "dose." I've only recently switched to pills myself and they have petite dosage ones that are a little smaller and a little lower in calcium (400 mg).

I'd recommend starting with daily doses, or every other day doses. If after about 10 days the shell is still good, you can dial it back to every other day/once every 3 days for example, and then wait another 10 days, and so on. Stop dosages if she stops laying... probably not imminent but fall is around the corner, and a lot of my birds quit early since they're older.
I'm in the UK so I'm not sure that our tablets would be the same dosage as in the US, so it's helpful to have that figure of 400mg.
I once overdosed my plants with lime from magnesium limestone, left over from lime mortar, and thus caused a calcium deficiency! So I'm anxious not to overdose with calcium and appreciate your detailed reply, thank you!
Last year they all stopped laying suddenly in early October, after a stressful day when a local event played very loud music all day- we could't even talk in the garden! I'm hoping they'll carry on laying for a little longer this year as long as life remains peaceful.
I'm in the US. :)

EDIT: Oh goodness I just realized why you asked, it's my title under my user name lol. It's just a joke because people kept asking me if I was referencing the song lyrics, and the answer is yes.
Oh, that makes sense! I'd seen you were in US.
I love the tune to that song, and find it fascinating because it's a version of a very ancient song that has many different versions. The earlier versions set the scene with an Elfin Knight sat on a hill and wanting to marry a young girl. People believed that situations like the seashore (the acre of land to plough), that are neither one thing nor the other, allowed spirits to pass to other realms, so in some ways it's quite a spooky song.
I grow sage, rosemary and time but not parsley :)
I've been reading the posts about dosing with calcium citrate.
Would you know what dose is right for a Plymouth Rock bantam?

She laid a shell-less egg two days ago - it had broken and the membrare was dangling from her vent. This morning there was another eggy mess in the coop, with a membrane mixed in but not shell (and another bantam trying to eat it). The problem must be recent as her butt has normally been clean and fluffy. She's 3 years old.
Might you also know how often she should be dosed, and for how long?

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