Learn Something New Every Day! Today I learned.....

I learned today that when my grandmother called herself "Black Dutch," it was a way of hiding her Native American ancestry to prevent being driven out of Tennessee.
Today I learned that unless you go spelunking in your car at least once a year, you will never find the things you forgot you lost.
I found my missing car key, a ten dollar bill, an earring, a couple of sticky pennies, and seating for two more people after clearing a bagful of litter, loose straw, empty boxes of dog treats and other litter. Oh, and I found a box of granola bars with nuts and raisins that had four bars in it. I think I put it in the car a year ago in the summer....the chickens had another treat this afternoon!
i just learned NOT to clean the car out
Today I learned..... MY puppy is hiding her treats in my couch and one of them was a whole egg!!!!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!
I also learned that having two dogs sleeping under the computer with farts can make your eyes water!!!!!!
After being so sad when my 22 year old son moved 300 miles away and thinking I wouldn't be able to stand it. Today I learned that I have a 3 day max of him coming back home to visit ! I really love him but I see that he does need to be out on his own, and I need that as well.
Yesterday I learned that watching chickens eat leftover spaghetti is second in fun only to watching them run after a handful of tossed grapes.

I also learned that if chickens were football players, Buff Orpingtons would be the fullbacks.
Today I learned..... that you shouldn't throw a dodgeball into a crowd of people, odds are someone's head is going to get in the way of the ball.
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I learned long ago, just cause you got strawberry milk mix, adding water does not turn it into strawberry koolaid. blehhh

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