Lebanon Indiana Poultry Show!!!

Yardegg, where abouts are you in Parke? I live 1 mile from Parke/Clay line, on the Clay side.

I would love to go to this show but have never been to one either and have no idea what to expect. (Our first show was the 4-H fair and it was a thrill) My kids are going to their dad's this weekend which is a good thing, but have no one to travel with me. Bummer. I don't like to travel alone.
We live just south of Lyford. You could bum a ride with us but we have a carload and we are going over on Friday to spend the night. The show opens at 6:30 am.

Sorry, I don't know all the terms yet, when you say open does that mean start time or it is open to the public then? Don't know if it is the same as showing goats or not. I would love to go the night before, when we go to the goat functions, we went the night before and stayed in a motel so we wouldn't have to get up so early and have to travel.
I cant wait till the show!Its my first real show I've been to.So far I have only 1 bird in the show because my pullet has bumblefoot but it might be better by saturday which im hoping. Im leaving early Saturday morning with my birds. If you see a girl with 3 white leghorns thats prolly me!Right now im spoiling my roo getting him ready for the show ^.^ at the moment hes on my lap getting his neck rubbed.
hoping he does somewhat good at the show since he got champ at the Marion County Fair but im just mainly going for the experience.
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Does anyone know what time the sales area opens up?

DH is upset due to our fridge being on the fritz. He is worried we'll have to get a new one. So he said "No chickens this fall!" But, I'm still planning on going to the show, even if I go alone. Figure I will still be able to learn a lot and make some contacts.

Also thinking that if I get the barn coop set up and finished without his help, he might be willing to get some by the time the Ohio show comes around in Nov.


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