left out silkie


In the Brooder
9 Years
May 18, 2010
I have 4 about 5 or 6 months old chicks, and one of them is a silkie. she is constantly left behind by the other hens and they bully her out of eating treats and wont let her follow them around, she usually sits back in the trees a few feet away from the others, even the rooster ignores her. Would another sweeter hen help? or should i just wait it out?
Do you only have one silkie? I would get more. It will likely continue to be a problem. Also, silkies do not roost and this poor hen will end up sleeping alone which could be a problem when in the winter depending on your weather. I would have at least 3.
alright that makes sense. thanks. ill look into getting a few more soon :). also i love your red equality!

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