Leg Mites? How to Treat? Please Help! Pics. Included!

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Your playing games here... and its not funny nor is it cool. And folks here aren't stupid either...
You are making yourself a bad rep on the board right now...

Dang.. i wish your folks monitered your computer access a bit better.. jeesh...
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Your playing games here... and its not funny nor is it cool. And folks here aren't stupid either...

Dang.. i wish your folks monitered your computer access a bit better.. jeesh...

Your playing games here... and its not funny nor is it cool. And folks here aren't stupid either...
You are making yourself a bad rep on the board right now...

Dang.. i wish your folks monitered your computer access a bit better.. jeesh...

I wholeheartedly agree.
Your playing games here... and its not funny nor is it cool. And folks here aren't stupid either...
You are making yourself a bad rep on the board right now...

Dang.. i wish your folks monitered your computer access a bit better.. jeesh..


I'm sorry you feel you are being picked on, but I honestly think you are being overly defensive about a sick, mutt rooster. Who has probably infected your whole flock.

You made some mistakes. Learn from them and move on to more chicken knowledge.
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Your playing games here... and its not funny nor is it cool. And folks here aren't stupid either...
You are making yourself a bad rep on the board right now...

Dang.. i wish your folks monitered your computer access a bit better.. jeesh...

X3 You really need to grow up and learn some manners!!
I dont think Jasper EVEN care what breed he is. After all, he has a caring and loving owner that no one wanted and you gave him a home. That means something to him, a good life and some girls to mate and have chicks with.

No one is picking on Jasper....we merely correcting after the fact of what we have seen the pics of Jasper and obviously you have not seen enough pictures or talk to people to find out what Jasper really is.

If you really really want the Rhode Island Red name for him, all you can say he is a RIR crossbred but not pure RIR or RIW.

What matters right now, that you love him, you gave him a home and now you do have a problem that needs to be taken care of, we have given you the advise, so either leave it or take it. AND sometimes it helps to have a little thick skin if the comments rubs you the wrong way. I've been around here long enough and gotten a couple of hits (so as the rest of the guys in here as well!).

Think on it or sleep on it and maybe you will feel better or think more rationally in the morning!
Sooo... back to op's original topic... chicklover98, what are you doing for Jasper's legs?
... looks like environmental damage AND leg scale mites
... how have you decided to treat the beautiful boy's legs?
Take care now.
Ok, I think we can come to a close here. You asked about his legs. You asked in a different thread about his breed.

1) Listen to the folks who probably have been keeping chickens five times as long as you have been alive. These are most likely scaly leg mites and are easy to treat as they have told you. He could have been kept in a soggy wet environment as well, judging from the missing scales and the pale look to his legs, but treating the mites can only help the condition of his legs. For that, you must catch the rooster somehow.

2) The rooster is not a Rhode Island Red. He is either a sexlink rooster or a cross of a sexlink with something else, but he is not a purebred RIR-he's a mix of several breeds that I could think of from his appearance.

3) Jasper does not know his breed, nor does he care. He needs a dry coop, clean water and nutritious food and may like some female company for himself since chickens are flock animals.

4) Since you have received good advice and expert opinions here, we are going to close the thread. Good luck with Jasper.

What should I say to people who will buy the chicks that are supposed to be RIR/Amberlink???

You can't say that and be truthful. All you can say about your chicks is that they are mixed breed chicks since you cannot know with certainty the breeds of those hens or the rooster (the hens appear mixed breed, too, to me)

6) From the BYC rules: * Be friendly and courteous to all members at all times.* They are only trying to help you.​
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