Leghorn - limp comb, losing face feathers


7 Years
Apr 7, 2015
Hey all!

My light brown leghorn usually has a vibrant and tall comb, but it seems like it's gone a little pale and limp. Doesn't stand up like it used to and the tips are all droopy. It's quite sad!
Also, she seems to be losing feathers on her face? This morning there were a bunch of white pins instead of feathers. I'll try to get a photo of her, but she's quite jumpy.

Is this a sign of molting? She's not a year yet she's only 8 months and has also stopped laying.

I live in Southern California so it's "winter" here but the weather ranges from 55-75 during the day and 55-40 at night?
She may be experiencing a minor/juvenile/mini-molt, but there could also be other issues involved -- is she eating, drinking, moving around and expelling waste normally? Have you inspected her for signs of external parasites? Have you recently added or removed birds from her flock?
The flock has remained the same! No changes. From what I've observed her behavior is normal, she eats, drinks, and still engaged in exploring the yard. I got some photos of her.

Hey all!

My light brown leghorn usually has a vibrant and tall comb, but it seems like it's gone a little pale and limp. Doesn't stand up like it used to and the tips are all droopy. It's quite sad!
Also, she seems to be losing feathers on her face? This morning there were a bunch of white pins instead of feathers. I'll try to get a photo of her, but she's quite jumpy.

Is this a sign of molting? She's not a year yet she's only 8 months and has also stopped laying.

I live in Southern California so it's "winter" here but the weather ranges from 55-75 during the day and 55-40 at night?
Sounds like she is in molt to me, she looks like it as well. Especially between her comb and eye area, that looks like blood feathers. .
Ahhh such a bummer. I wasn't expecting that. She's only 8 months and of course she's doing this when it's actually cold here! Oh well.

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