Leghorn or California white?? Hen or rooster?


In the Brooder
May 8, 2018
Hi all I’m looking for some help identifying what kind of chick this is.. approx 6 weeks old. This one seems to be the leader of the flock and have felt like day one it’s a rooster but just not sure, any help would be appreciated :)


Thank you everyone!! I so appreciate the help. So it’s not good to have two cockerel in a flock, I only have five total so what do I do
Any ideas on these little guys? Tractor supply wasn’t sure when I called back up there so I don’t have a clue what they are. I now know one is a Cockeral but not sure the kind. I think one of the little guys is a Rhode Island Red. Thanks so much for the help!
Buff Orpington.

The little one is not a Rhode... but maybe a production red (which is actually a cross between Rhode Island and New Hampshire reds) or something similar I don't have my finger on.

Yes, though two cockerels can live happily together, the hens would be terribly over mated. I would start trying to re home now... or look for someone who will process them for you. If you can't eat them... still no shame in letting someone else, who will dispatch humanely. Hen flocks are the MOST peaceful and 3 is a good start.

I keep a stag pen in order to control my genetics. If you simply can't part with them and have the means then you can consider that option.

Good luck making your choice and moving forward. :fl
This is so much help thank you so much! I have been going crazy trying to figure this out. I will probably rehome one of the cockerel to my mother in law. Is this also a buff?? This is the most friendly bird in my flock.


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