Lemon-Drops hatching thread-broody

Ok, do you think they're going to develop at all? Can you tell approx. how many days they are at? Sorry, lots and lots of questions!

I used this when I hatched my chicks and found it was accurate
Hey I'm late!

1. Should I move her?
depends on how ddetermined she is. If she goes broody often shes probably quite determined. But if you don't want to risk it don't move her.

2. Should I keep her contained with the eggs? (Like in a dog crate in the coop)
If you want, but make sure she has a certain time you can let her out to stretch her legs.

3. What about when they hatch? Should I put them in a dog crate then to keep them away from the others?
I always keep the mama in the flock and it's usually fine. But if you want to pen up a section of the run for mama and chicks, you can put a dog cage in the section as a nest for them to retreat to

4. Would they need a heat lamp at all, or something similar?
mama will keep them warm

5. For the seasoned hatchers - any tips?
if you have any more questions you can ask me here

6. How often can I candle? (I know that I probably don't need too, but I want to really badly)
I candle day 7 and remove infertiles. I candle again around the 14th day and then a last time before lockdown (day 18)

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