Lethargic 1year old


6 Years
Mar 17, 2013
I have 5 hens that I have had for just over a year. They have been doing GREAT, but about a week ago one of them entered a nesting box and wont come out. She stays in there, has laid 1 egg in the week, and when we move her out, she goes back in when we leave. I'm not sure if she's sick or if this is broody? She's still sweet, and we have NO IDEA if she's eating or drinking... at this point we NEVER see her outside the nesting box. What should we do???
Have you tried removing her from the nest? If so, does she fluff up and squawk at you or try to peck you? This would be typical behavior of a broody hen.
Otherwise I'd suspect she may be eggbound or egg impacted. If she is eggbound, soak her in a container of warm water up to her sides. Gently massage her underside front to rear for about 20 minutes while she's soaking. The warm water will relax her and expand her innards. Massaging her will help move the egg along, then hopefully she'll lay an egg.
Tis the broody season! If you take her to the farthest spot in your yard and she gets all upset at everyone on the way back, has a big broody poop , then is right back in the same nest box she is probably broody. Set a few eggs in front of her--I'll bet she scoots them right under her. If you don't want her to set, you will probably need to cage her with food and water for 3-4 days, maybe longer.
My husband has removed her a few times. She puffs all up and squawks, but doesnt try to peck him. Then before you know it, she's right back in that same nesting box!
Well... she's not sick.... My husband shoo'd the other 4 chickens out into the run and locked them out there. He let this bird stay because she's been so lethargic and introduced our newer birds to the coop.... he said that she came flying right out of that nesting box and attacking the younger birds. He kicked her out into the yard and she's happily walking around eating all the bugs she can find.... she hasnt free ranged in a while because she's been staying in the nesting box! Strange Chicken!
Well... she's not sick.... My husband shoo'd the other 4 chickens out into the run and locked them out there. He let this bird stay because she's been so lethargic and introduced our newer birds to the coop.... he said that she came flying right out of that nesting box and attacking the younger birds. He kicked her out into the yard and she's happily walking around eating all the bugs she can find.... she hasnt free ranged in a while because she's been staying in the nesting box! Strange Chicken!
LOL. She was broody.

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