Lethargic Gosling


In the Brooder
Jul 19, 2017
I have 2, 3 weeks old Embden females.
Both were status quo when I went to bed last night. Woke up to find that one (the one who usually the most vocal and energetic) to be quite listless. She is sitting a lot, and dozing in and out. She will get up and drink, take a walk from one end of the brooder to the other, then sit again. She has been eating greens and drinking, but is uninterested in the grain.
I did change their feed a bit yesterday. They were receiving non medicated flock starter from 2 days old. Yesterday I mixed in (with the help of a feed mixing calculator) steamed rolled oats and cracked corn to help reduce the protein content from 20% to 15% to prevent angel wing as they grow.
That is the only thing that has changed. I doubt she's just a little extra tired today. Her sister is acting completely normal.
I mixed up some electrolyte powder for her to drink this morning for good measure. My local feed store has nutri drench on order to pick up Friday. I had ordered that just to have before this morning anyway though.
Any advice or personal experience wisdom??
I hate to see her like this, and am not sure what else to do.
Thank you.
can anybody help?
She hasn't gotten worse than this morning, but she hasn't gotten any better either.
Are you offering any type of niacin to your goslings? Water fowl need extra than what chick starter has in it.
150 mgs of plain niacin crushed and added to 1 gal of water or
1 Tablespoon of Nutritional or Brewers yeast per cup of feed until at least 10 weeks of age.

Thank you for your reply!
I picked up the Nutri Drench today and gave it to them. The gosling that wasn't well the other day has turned around and is back to herself. Do you think the Nutri Drench provides enough niacin? I was under the impression that their feed had enough, but I realized I was wrong, which is why I ordered the ND.
When you say Nutritional Yeast, do you mean the same kind I put on my popcorn (because I have that in house right now), or is there a type specifically for animals and vitamin supplement?
I hope the fact that they have not had any extra niacin until now will not cause them significant harm. Their legs seem fine so far, but I will make sure they have the extra that they need from now on.
Thanks again.
All water fowl goslings or ducklings require more niacin than what is in feed we usually have to feed them unless you get feed specific for water fowl like mazuri

I would supplement with the Nutritional yeast the very kind we use for ourselves. It is loaded with good B's and that along with the ND should help them I would only give the ND starting with 3 X a week then 1X a week It doesn't say how much niacin is it I don't believe I will look on my bottle.

Great to hear your gosling is back to normal but I'd def keep them on the NY till they are at least 10 weeks old.

You can buy animal grade Brewers yeast but it's not near as good as the Human grade NY. I buy it in bulk off Amazon.
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Thanks for all the info. There is surprisingly very little on the internet for geese. Well.. compared to chickens and the vastness of info in general. I will start them on the NY today.
I wasn't sure how often to give them the ND, so thank for that bit as well. It doesn't say the quantity of niacin, I tried looking on the company website but it's not there either.
My gosling is 1 week old and became lethargic this morning and has hard lump on left side of stomach. She is not pooping, not eating, not interested in anything. Just lays there with a seemingly full crop but closing her eyes and seems to be very unwell. I did give her olive oil to help pass whatever is causing a blockage. Please HELP! Does anyone have any idea what is going on?

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