Lethargic with White Pasty Droppings and Hard Lump

Following up with the preliminary report from the necropsy:
Gross Description
This bird was a brown feathered hen that was out of egg production. The bird had appropriate musculature and fat depots. Body weight was 2.5 kg. The oviduct was greatly distended (Swollen with internal fluid) by approximately 300 ml of a yellow, fetid, firm yet easily crumbled material.
Gross Diagnosis
Salpingitis - Inflammation of the Fallopian Tubes
The gross alterations within this hen were morphologically consistent with salpingitis which would be the cause of illness and death of this animal. Salpingitis is thought to be cause by an ascending infection by the bacteria Escherichia coli (E. Coli). Salpingitis is an individual bird problem and not considered to be an infectious disease or flock problem. Other birds within this flock may or may not develop this condition. Addition testing is being performed and a final report will be generated when that testing is completed.

I'm wondering what may have caused this, if there was an internal egg breakage, or if something tore from eggs being too large, and especially wanting to know what caused that fluid. If there's more to learn from the additional tests I'll be sure to post it here. It sounds like if your hen is displaying the same symptoms as mine, it might be too late to begin antibiotics.

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