Let's plan a Quail egg hatch... set 'em Sept. 1, hatch 'em Sept 17-19+

Incubator one is full:


Got some button quail here to set in incubator 2:


The cabinet is full as of 6:30am this morning
and the fourth incubator has some previous quailies brewing

I think I am crazy

ETA: the 4th incubator got hatchlings
so looks like I can squeeze more eggs in
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What most people don't realize about the little giant (and some of the other styro bators) is that they don't work and play nice in very hot environments or any place where there is a major temp swing.. for those who have figured that out (and who can give them the happy home that they love).. they are great.. for people like me where my house doesnt have a working AC.. so the temps in my dining room can be anywhere from 85 at night to 115 during the day.. well.. lets just say that we end up with the desire to take a sledge hammer to them!

Glad you found a "happy place" for yours.. I have one sitting here with a fan that has never even seen an egg since i cant get it stabilized with my house temps
cool little website there, thanks!

Yeah well I was typing in my sleep I think. LOL

I love that site. It's been used a whole lot here. I post it as often as I can especially for first timers. They have lots of other help there too, so check it out when you get a chance. You may even find something useful that I can't figure out. If you do, help!
I've got 39 eggs. Will probably have 4 more today. I'm putting them in around 10 PM so that we'll have some chance in seeing them hatch when we all get home from work/school. Otherwise, the kids miss all the good stuff.

My husband is excited (although he's not letting on). I took the eggs in the turner out of the 'bator and put them on the counter so I could warm up and check the 'bator temp in preparation. He woke me up last night, "Do you know that the eggs are on the counter?" "Yes." "OK, sorry to wake you up, I just wanted to make sure it's OK."

He didn't mention that the incubator is on the counter in his bar...I guess I'm not in trouble for that!

It's my first time trying to hatch my own eggs. I'm excited!
Goodness! It must be a thing with some men. Mine acted the same way the first time. Then he picked one of the peeps up, and it was all over. I think he enjoys them more than anyone else in the house.

Welcome to the fun. You and your family will have a lot of fun with this experience.
my dad, big burly mechanic man, loves to chick sit when i clean inside brooders. he got saddled with the job first time and its always stuck. the first batch were a couple fresh goslings... picture a big burly mechanic going "a gooossseee gooossee goosse" in some baby speak tone to goslings who are talking back... took forever to change the brooder cause i couldn't look away, best part? he didn't notice how long it took because he was too busy baby talking the geese lolha

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