Let's Talk Mille Fleur Cochin Bantams

Glad i found this thread, i am actively seeking females or hatching eggs and not having much luck. I know its not the best time of year. I hatched 4 chicks in the spring, lost 2 within that first few days and the 2 that survived are both roos. Sold 1 kept 1 since they were identical. I now need girls.

Here are the boys with their broody.

Here is the boy i kept now. Seeing a good speciman i can now see mine isn't that great. He is lacking the coloring displayed so well in previous pics posted here.


I have decided to try shipping eggs when it warms up a little if you are still interested :-D
In an attempt to bring this thread to life... I tried to get some pics oft he 'betrothed' today XD I don't normally selectively pair off any particular ones, and just keep the best all in a pen together. But, I think these two would be great toegether, so I'm gonna try it... This is them being cold. It's FREEZING! Chasta (hen) is on the left, and Regius (cockerel) is on the right Here they are snuggling Chasta being creepy Chasta being creepy again XD They got fascinated with the screen This one shows Chasta's colour pretty good Regius moved to the arm of the chair Chasta thinks she's big. She's shaped like a tiny beach ball XD And Riley jumps up, photobombing Regius Stealing all the glory XD He finally left when a hen walked by XD Then Reid walked by, so I took a couple pics of my best boy :-D Being awesome XD Looking at a bug I didn't see :-o Both about to fall asleep XD
They are GORGEOUS!!!

Thanks! I love my milles and they are the first thing I have really bred for quality. I'm actually enjoying being selective XD
Can't wait to see how the babies feather out!
I am located in Central Oregon and my flock of bantam mille fleur cochins is getting older - I lost a few to old age this year. I have been looking for mille fleur cochin eggs or chicks, but haven't found anything. Does anyone have some available? Here is a photo of my flock, two of the three mille hens you see have passed. :-(

Just jumping in to share my excitement! 2 years trying to get these established and I have a start! Last spring only 2 hatched were Roos, kept 1, had a heck of a time finding more and thankfully for our awesome BYC fam I hatched 2 this spring and both girls!
I just can't get over my struggles with sexing them as they grew at different rates and only a day ago I had to look back at pics to see my boys last year had the saddles etc by 5 mos and my Girls are now 6 mos! I'm sure I'll be waiting until next spring before I get to hatch from them!!

My roo @ 5 months old (hatched 3/2015)

My pullets @ 6 months old (hatched 4/2016)

Hey everyone. I've just started hatching some mille Fleur cochins. None grown yet. I just love the pattern and colors and ofcoarse their little fluff balls lol. I'm happy to find this thread. Not much out their for the mille fleurs.
May I resurrect this thread??

Last fall, I hatched a lone, beautiful mille male. Wasn't planning to keep him, but long story short, I have him back. I also keep BBS hens with a blue mottled cock. I got 2 beautiful splash hens to add to them, but my original hens did not accept the new girls. Adonis, the mille boy was alone (as I was planning to rehome him), but he fell in love with the new girls! So I guess I'm going to have 2 bantam cochin pens, because now I can't give any of them up!! So in wondering what offspring they would make, a search for mille and splash crosses brought me here! Yeah! lol

Anyone know what a mille cock over splash hens will produce? (I'm horrible with those genetics calculator things)

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