Let's talk Wry Neck/Crook Neck

Sadly, after a long visit with my vet, we made the decision this afternoon to end my little chickens fight for life. She spiraled badly over the weekend and we just couldn't see any possible recovery for her. Poor little girl spent a third of her life all twisted up and that was enough. Rest in peace little love.
Sadly, after a long visit with my vet, we made the decision this afternoon to end my little chickens fight for life. She spiraled badly over the weekend and we just couldn't see any possible recovery for her. Poor little girl spent a third of her life all twisted up and that was enough. Rest in peace little love.
So sorry!

Im so sorry to hear that, You gave it your best shot, that is all we can do when such happens. It is heart breaking. Just know you did the best you could for her. I believe that once they pass on they can look back and see the care we give to our feathered family members and that is our reward.
I thought I'd share my experience with Crook neck.

I'm new at this chicken/turkey thing. I got 8 chicks and 2 turkey babes and about two or so weeks in I went out one morning and found one chick laying on her back with her neck twisted and bent. I freaked out! So I picked her up and she'd stand and then flop all over like some kind of fit and end up on her back again. She's calm down and relax if I held her in my palm on her back so I wrapped her in a hand towel and would lay her between rolled up rags to keep her on her back.
Long story short, it took about three days and nights of hand feeding every hour or two, about four days until she was up and about and about a week until the turned neck went away. Here's what I did:
I brought her in the house and put her alone in a crate, wrapped in a towel and laid between rolled towels to keep her on her back so she was safe from being trampled and I could keep an eye on her.
I bought bird electrolytes, baby bird food (it's like a powdered milky stuff) and liquid multivitamins for birds. See pics below. The hand feeding food and multivitamins were from the pet store but that's all I could find so I went with it!
I would mix the hand feeding food, electrolyte water and liquid multivitamins in a 2cup size container and feed her every couple hours with a dropper. She wasn't interested so it took patience and love and a little forcing.
After a day and night, I had decided that I needed to grow a set and learn the hardest lesson of having to put down a sick animal. I just couldn't do it and I cried and cried...then I decided to just keep trying with her and the next morning she was up and eating on her own and ready to "fly the coop"

My chick developed (what my research tells me) wry neck a few weeks ago. His head was tilted to his chest, he was unable to straighten it out, and he would violently shake his head side to side and walk backwards until he would fall over. He was still able to eat and drink on his own the whole time. I treated him with Polyvisol and a mix of other vitamins and minerals - and three weeks later he is doing much better. He doesn't fall over anymore and his neck is much straighter, but he still holds his head tilted down at an odd angle. Should I keep treating him or will it just take time to get better on its own? Also I suspect "he" is a rooster as his comb is darker than the others and he is the only one starting to develop wattles. Can anyone confirm? (Pictures are at 8 weeks old)
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Just starting chicks hatched about a week ago and I have 3 that developed crook neck along with what looks like possible seizures. What I read on the internet says its a vitamin deficiency I looked through cupboard to see what I could give them and only thing with all the possible vitamins and amino acids is egg yolk. So with eye dropper gave each one as much as they would eat. I hope they make it through the night. I remember when they hatches some had not absorbed all the yolk so it could be the ones that did not get the necessary nutrients.
How long have you been giving the polyvisol? too much A and D3 is not good and if you have exceeded the recommended on week daily/the next week taper off, then stop.
Put him on AviaCharge 2000 (this is formulated not at therapeutic (high) dosage but as a complete daily supplement (originally developed for organic certified)
Is the E you are giving him a human combo with selenium? >>> also how much are you giving?
where can you buy AviaCharge? i have a chick that is 1 week old and was born with its neck crooked it tries to eat and drink should i give it special food like baby ceral or something like that?
Here is some of my collected info on neurological symptoms of crookneck/limberneck:

re vit. supplementation:
Please note that vitamin E (at therapeutic dosage) is absorbed only in combination with selenium (the two are interdependent on each other)... if there is a malabsorption issue in general this will also affect absorption and therefore it is a good idea to give a general supplement like Avia Charge 2000 ...
Vit A (in excess ) will negatively affect uptake of vit E so you should not use the Polyvisol in combination with the vitamin E/selenium as a general rule.
i have a week old chick that i think is wry neck, so should i use the polyvisol or the avia charge 2000 to hopfuly correct it
I have a question and forgive me if its been answered already but I have been treating a pullet for wry neck. It was pretty severe but we're on about day 7 of treatment and she has shown a dramatic improvement. She's not 100% yet, mostly because her neck is still crooked to the side. So my question is, is that going to be permanent? Or will it eventually straighten back out? Also should I reduce the amount of supplements (nutridrench, Vit E/selenium, b-complex) that I'm giving her or just keep going? She's eating, drinking, preening, talking and acting like a chicken but still isolated.

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