LF Cochins


Crossing the Road
12 Years
May 22, 2012
Large fowl Cochins are my favorite breed, along with brahmas, but I can't seem to ever find anyone that breeds them. Why is this? I see bantam Cochins for sale everywhere, however, the standard breed seems extremely hard to find for some reason. Thanks in advance.
They're just not that popular now days.
They're large birds that take more space, more feed, mature slowly, start laying a bit later, aren't great layers, etc.
Then no one lining up for chicks or eggs.

Years ago I saw a lot jump ship from cochins to orpingtons. Then a movement towards "heritage" breeds for a lot that didn't mind the larger slower maturing breeds.
Thank you both. I'm sorry to hear this as I absolutely love this breed.
Thank you both. I'm sorry to hear this as I absolutely love this breed.
Find an APA show and attend.
There'll be some big nice cochins there.
Find some you like and track down the breeder or at least network with any cochin breeders you find.
You can still find them if you look in the right places
I share your sentiment..so sad to see the numbers and quality decline, I adore Cochins. I do believe people go through breed "fads" and have seen it. And yes Cochins are big birds, eat alot, slow growing, so it takes someone who loves and wants to preserve the breed to keep them. Their temperament is so sweet. I lost my blacks to a dog attack a few years ago, and was fortunate enough to find 2 pair of LF Black Mottled Cochins. I will be raising chicks from them this Spring/summer..they're absolutely beautiful and very large. They came from a rooster that was purchased directly from Jamie Matts. I'm beyond thrilled to have them.

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