LG 9300 first time go

I'm at day 8 of my first incubation attempt with the 9300 as well. I added a (80mm) to mine at medium speed. It's just USB powered so I plugged it into a tablet charger. Then fan really helps even out the temperatures. My temperature difference between the built in thermometer and the 3 others I'm using is more like 5-6 degrees. I also removed 6 of the 8 rubber feet on the fan to help it fit with the egg turner. - http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00G059G86
nice. We'll never do it without a fan again. Lol
This morning I set up a FB group for the Little Giant 9300 still and forced air. Mary and I are the only current members but others are going to join. TSC sells enough if them that I felt a grouo/club might be benefical on there. Will be advertising, word of mouth at local Tractor Supply and maybe a flier, a hobbyist hatch along for the 9th of April using the LG 9300. Will mention it on FB too
Struggling with Temp a bit. It is fluctuating between 97.8 and 99 at mid egg height so a tad low. We are not going to up the heat on top of the eggs any more due to convection. We are running 103.1 on top right now. After reading more than any really cares to, we've discovered that those running 104 to 105 in top of the eggs run a high risk of cooking their eggs via convection transfer of heat. We would rather risk a slightly delayed hatch over risking no hatch at all in the last 3 days. Still keeping our fingers crossed and sitting on the edges of our seats.
Ok we aren't on day 20 until this afternoon. Holy crud is the waiting hard. We keep checking for pips by shinning a light thru the window. Sit on your hands is the most often read advice.....yeah right! Coffee, pacing, looking, setting up a second brooder, maybe take up juggling.....lol
We just went through the same. Got our first pip about 4 to 5 hours into day 21. Then they make you wait again! Four were hatched on day 21 and four hatched in the wee hours of the night last night. Three of the remaining five have pipped. Hang in there.
We just went through the same. Got our first pip about 4 to 5 hours into day 21. Then they make you wait again! Four were hatched on day 21 and four hatched in the wee hours of the night last night. Three of the remaining five have pipped. Hang in there.
thanks. Might have to take up another hobby to fill the void. Lol
exactly 20 days after set we got our first pip. We figure the ones which were closest to the heater would be warmer and possibly hatch earlier. I thought I heard a chirp so had our daughter shut off the television. Was trying to focus while looking thru the window since we also have chicks in a brooder in the other room. That's when I saw the pip and knew it wasn't all in my mind. This pip also confirms our kids didn't bump the bator and knock the thermostat sensor off the eggs earlier. The chick must have been rocking and knocked it off..
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