LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

Well, I can tell you that scientifically your parents are wrong af. Hi, one of the resident trans men here. Trans men are real men just as trans women are real women. And there are plenty of queer couples out there that have the ability to have children the old-fashioned way. I would know I'm a man that's physically able to carry children.

Oh yeah there's tons of options, surrogacy, adoption, not to mention if you're in a relationship like I am where I'm a trans man dating a cis man and we are completely capable of having biological children the old fashioned way.
Oh, I saw an interesting video today that was somewhat about gender and all that
It was talking about how one of the theories that people with autism report being in the lgbtqia+ community so much more (in men, it was like 3.5× more likely to report identifying than neurotypical* men) was because gender is a social construct, and the majority of people with autism have difficulties with innately understanding social norms.
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Also me and my friend finally figured out the name of the dragon country in my book. Kinda. I picked out 4, 3 possibilities and 1 that I know isn't a good choice, but it's just so funny.

It's a jungle, and the social structure is based around the Amazon women myths, betta fish and roosters (but female led, not male led), and the name I just can't justify that popped up was: Tropicalandia
Hello, I’m @TesoroSena, I’ve seen most of you guys around and have kinda been lurking around this thread. I always thought I was straight, because my parents are strict Christians and are not mean about it but are kinda homophobic. Anyway, I’ve never really looked at girls in an attractive manner, and I have only ever looked at guys before, but now I’m crushing rlly hard on this girl. But I still kinda like this guy I know. Not as much, but still. Does that mean I’m BI or lesbian, or is it just like a fluke and I’m just randomly attracted to this one girl? If this sounds weird just ignore me lol but I was hoping someone on this thread might know??….
I know you posted this a while ago, but you’re my friend so I’m still gonna give my two cents to help ;) plus I went through this same thing not so long ago.

First I want to say that you definitely don't have to label yourself. I still don’t really know what I am exactly. If you do choose to label yourself, then it’s really up to you as it’s just another form of self expression. As for what label you might want to go with, I’ll discuss some that people have mentioned:

Straight: as said before straight is mostly attracted to the opposite gender
Bi: an umbrella term that encompasses all identities in which one is attracted to two or more genders
Pan: attracted to anyone, regardless of gender (falls under bi umbrella)
Lesbian: non man attracted to non men (can technically fall under the bi umbrella)
You could also be something like homoromantic pansexual in which you would feel romantic attraction to the same gender and sexual attraction towards all genders for example.
Also I settled on bi lol (ish still kinda questioning pan) Lmk if I missed a label you’re curious about
I know you posted this a while ago, but you’re my friend so I’m still gonna give my two cents to help ;) plus I went through this same thing not so long ago.

First I want to say that you definitely don't have to label yourself. I still don’t really know what I am exactly. If you do choose to label yourself, then it’s really up to you as it’s just another form of self expression. As for what label you might want to go with, I’ll discuss some that people have mentioned:

Straight: as said before straight is mostly attracted to the opposite gender
Bi: an umbrella term that encompasses all identities in which one is attracted to two or more genders
Pan: attracted to anyone, regardless of gender (falls under bi umbrella)
Lesbian: non man attracted to non men (can technically fall under the bi umbrella)
You could also be something like homoromantic pansexual in which you would feel romantic attraction to the same gender and sexual attraction towards all genders for example.
Also I settled on bi lol (ish still kinda questioning pan) Lmk if I missed a label you’re curious about
learn something new everyday!
I consider myself "bi", but I have never actually met a non-binary person (that I know of), or had a crush on them. So I might be pan.
I know you posted this a while ago, but you’re my friend so I’m still gonna give my two cents to help ;) plus I went through this same thing not so long ago.

First I want to say that you definitely don't have to label yourself. I still don’t really know what I am exactly. If you do choose to label yourself, then it’s really up to you as it’s just another form of self expression. As for what label you might want to go with, I’ll discuss some that people have mentioned:

Straight: as said before straight is mostly attracted to the opposite gender
Bi: an umbrella term that encompasses all identities in which one is attracted to two or more genders
Pan: attracted to anyone, regardless of gender (falls under bi umbrella)
Lesbian: non man attracted to non men (can technically fall under the bi umbrella)
You could also be something like homoromantic pansexual in which you would feel romantic attraction to the same gender and sexual attraction towards all genders for example.
Also I settled on bi lol (ish still kinda questioning pan) Lmk if I missed a label you’re curious about
nope covered all bases lol. honestly homoromantic pansexual sounds most accurate... kinda like i have romantic feeling for girls, but like, uh sexual attraction towards boys if that makes sense?
Well, I can tell you that scientifically your parents are wrong af. Hi, one of the resident trans men here. Trans men are real men just as trans women are real women. And there are plenty of queer couples out there that have the ability to have children the old-fashioned way. I would know I'm a man that's physically able to carry children.
okay, thats neat! like, im really, really sorry if this comes off as rude thats not my purpose, ive never been educated in this kind of thing so im a little curious and confused... you were born a woman but you are actually a man, correct? and... do you get like sugery... or take pills... im just curious since i dont know. if youd rather not share i get that.
Oh yeah there's tons of options, surrogacy, adoption, not to mention if you're in a relationship like I am where I'm a trans man dating a cis man and we are completely capable of having biological children the old fashioned way.
thats interesting, i read somewhere, (i got blocked from that website by my paents so idont remember where) that you can take any male, uh chomosomes from a female that they have and use it to reproduce? Is that true?

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