Lies and Deceit - A Fantasy RP

(Okay, does anyone have anybody open I could RP with?)
(I’ll have Luna open in a little while. Technically Eva is open but I’d love if someone else could RP with you for right now, not because I don’t want to, but because my time has been very limited, as I’m sure you all have seen. Anyone else have an open charrie, if not, I guess I’ll use one of mine but can’t guarantee constant RPing)
(Lets just say that we can eventually make armor that can stop a pistol bullet at close range. XD We are going to need some kind of protection and making the armor seems more realistic than finding it.)
"I think we should hunt more deer. We need the meat, bones, and hide anyway." Persepolis pondered Luna's question before answering, "Almost anything can stop a bullet if it is thick or hard enough. Wood can stop a bullet if it is a quarter to a half inch thick. Leather can if it is hard enough or the bullet strikes at the wrong angle." She paused, thinking, "I'll test out some boiled scraps later. If it doesn't work we may be able to line the leather with something that does. At the very least well have protection against blades and maybe arrows."
Luna nodded, content with their current plan. With a sigh, she got ready to work, and asked simply “What can I help out with? Just tell me what to do and I’ll do it.” She wanted to be as helpful as possible, be a good friend. Luna had come with the intention to help and would do so as best she could.
(I’ll have Luna open in a little while. Technically Eva is open but I’d love if someone else could RP with you for right now, not because I don’t want to, but because my time has been very limited, as I’m sure you all have seen. Anyone else have an open charrie, if not, I guess I’ll use one of mine but can’t guarantee constant RPing)

(That's okay, I need to go within an hour or two,so I won't be on much today. Thank you though!)
Luna nodded, content with their current plan. With a sigh, she got ready to work, and asked simply “What can I help out with? Just tell me what to do and I’ll do it.” She wanted to be as helpful as possible, be a good friend. Luna had come with the intention to help and would do so as best she could.
Persepolis nodded her head towards the hide at her feet, "We have to get this hide out of the water and back to camp so I can scrape it clean and dry it out. Its going to be extremely heavy." She started taking the rocks off of the hide and grabbed some of the hide, trying to pull it to shore. "Want to get the other side?" She asked Luna.
Persepolis nodded her head towards the hide at her feet, "We have to get this hide out of the water and back to camp so I can scrape it clean and dry it out. Its going to be extremely heavy." She started taking the rocks off of the hide and grabbed some of the hide, trying to pull it to shore. "Want to get the other side?" She asked Luna.
Luna nodded, and followed instructions by leaning over and using her leg strength as long as she could before she turned to her wings for aid, making the job relatively easier. The two pulled the hide out to the shore of the river, where it could dry and harden, at least that’s what Luna assumed they were to do but she could be mistaken.
(Have u done this in real life?)
Luna nodded, and followed instructions by leaning over and using her leg strength as long as she could before she turned to her wings for aid, making the job relatively easier. The two pulled the hide out to the shore of the river, where it could dry and harden, at least that’s what Luna assumed they were to do but she could be mistaken.
(Have u done this in real life?)
(Not personally but I have seen it done and know how it's supposed to be done. Have you?)
Persepolis took a drink of water from her canteen, then offered it to Luna while stating, "That's all I needed done, thanks. I'll scrape it and then leave it to dry. In a couple of days I can start turning it into armor pieces."
(Not personally but I have seen it done and know how it's supposed to be done. Have you?)
Persepolis took a drink of water from her canteen, then offered it to Luna while stating, "That's all I needed done, thanks. I'll scrape it and then leave it to dry. In a couple of days I can start turning it into armor pieces."
(Nope XD but I’m impressed) Luna took a long sip gratefully, before she turned to reply “That sounds good, I’ll try to help you then if you want. How long will it take to scrape it?” She spread her wings and stretched them, before neatly folding them back to their original position and facing Persepolis as she waited for an answer, determined to help her until the job was complete...and then they could hang out or talk, something like that.

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