Lies and Deceit - A Fantasy RP

Horius looked outwards into the onslaught of rain. He was of a different opinion, that a leader would only result in jealousy and mutiny, and if he was the leader...He didnt even know if people liked him. They didnt have a reason not to, he thought.
River sighed. "I know how you look at us having a leader, but think about it, the others need someone to tell them what to do. And I know one thing, I`d rather have a level-headed leader than a leader that Lucas would make who wouldn`t be able to make decisions, or one like me."
Hector, still slightly wary, asked, "So why are you here? You weren't banished."
"I left by choice." Persepolis answered. "I didn't see a future for me at the mansion, so I left. I left a day after you guys were banished, and I've tracked you to here. I'd like to stay with you guys, if I can."
After a pause, she added, "Nobody even knew I lived at the mansion, so they won't be looking for me."
The storm moved in to affect the mansion's domain. Acan squinted up at the clouds. He knew that spring storms in Montana always carried a chance of hail starting usually around March and lasting until June. As the sky started to spit, he caught sight of the familiar but dreaded greenish tint in the boiling clouds. He bolted to the garden shed to grab a tarp in order to cover the delicate young plants. Hurriedly, he let out a yell to alert the other hands as to the situation. "It might get rough in about 20 minutes, folks! Best take shelter afore the worst of it comes!"
He paced to the poultry yard to lock down the henhouse, scanning for stragglers before immediately turning on his heels and racing to get a sheet for the trees before it was too late.
River sighed. "I know how you look at us having a leader, but think about it, the others need someone to tell them what to do. And I know one thing, I`d rather have a level-headed leader than a leader that Lucas would make who wouldn`t be able to make decisions, or one like me."
Horius nodded, contemplating her words. She was right. He was the one who should lead the group. He muttered "Thank you," not sure if he wanted to say those words or not. The voting was tomorrow, and already, he expected a barrage of new responsibilities to flood him. But maybe it was for good. It would motivate him to protect and serve as much as he could.

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