Lies and Deceit - A Fantasy RP

(What state are we in? The shed is supposed to be in the south, right? Is 'winter' for us sub-zero with snow, or just colder than, say, 50F?)
Tory, headed for the back door, let out an "Oops" as she realized she had forgotten to prop it open. She'd have to go around to the front.

As the rain started to increase in intensity, Acan saw the young girl nonchalantly make her way around after realizing that she had shut herself out. Acan stood for a moment, deciding what to do.
"Hey, kid! You need to hurry up and get inside!" He pointed to the west at the wall of heavy rain bearing down on them, only a half mile away. " There could be flash flooding and hail in a storm like that!"
The storm was rolling out of the mountains pretty fast.
Tory began to run to the front door, heeding the nice man's words.
The heart of the storm hit with wicked fury, like a hammer slamming down. The wall of hail pelted all the farmhands as they threw their arms up for protection and bolted for the nearest shelter. Acan immediately looked over to see if the girl made it inside before the hail started. The ice balls were steadily increasing in size, and were about golf ball sized currently, mauling the blossoms on uncovered trees and knocking down the plants. Had she gotten inside? He stood under the apple tree he had hastily thrown a big sheet over, the hail roaring with each thump as it hit the ground.
Persepolis takes a close look at Horius's hands. She cleans them and picks out the splinters, being as gentle as she can.
Then she mutters under her breath, "Cánja hilæus ihzba quabaña."
Before her eyes, Horius's hands started to softly glow and shimmer. The cuts and scrapes closed, the bones healed, and his hands returned to normal.
She looked at Horius and offered a friendly smile saying, "That should be better."
Horius looked at her in wonder, as his hands returned to their normal state, the red of his blood gone. He stuttered for a second, before stating confidently with a hint of humor "I don't know who you are, but you're definitely staying." He thought of River, and asked "Could you heal her bones too or would that make you too weak?"
Raquel nodded. "Fair." She said, then gasped as hail began hammering down.

Tory dashed to the front door. She almost made it inside, but her shoulder was caught by a hail ball. "Gah!" she cried, as she tripped in through the door. "Oow." she moaned, curled up on the floor.
Raquel nodded. "Fair." She said, then gasped as hail began hammering down.

Tory dashed to the front door. She almost made it inside, but her shoulder was caught by a hail ball. "Gah!" she cried, as she tripped in through the door. "Oow." she moaned, curled up on the floor.
Eva squealed and laughed, clearly startled. A few of them managed to start tearing at the tent roof. She muttered "Probably time to get out."

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