Lies and Deceit - A Fantasy RP

River sighed and she and her brother eased off the window. "Hmm. You know that hill at the side of the cabin? The one we haven`t checked out too well yet. Maybe there`s a storm-shelter there..." River mused to herself.
Xylo nodded, responding “We should make one if there isn’t. We need beds, too. We have nothing, no leader either.”

Luna, who was busy using telekinesis to throw the hailballs out, responded “Tomorrow we vote. We’ll have one tomorrow.” (@RiverStorm let me know when you edit River.)
Brigid slowly stepped closer, trusting the sound of the storm to cover her movement. Maybe she could capture one of them. That would please her leader. No. He'd just scoff at me and tell everyone that I was too weak to kill, she thought mournfully. And he'd be right. Thankfully. She knew she'd never kill, unless maybe she had no choice. Lost in her thoughts, she crept closer.
Persepolis spoke up, "I can go out and get materials for beds. They won't be high quality, but they'd do."
Looking at each member in turn, Persepolis added: "The storm may have lulled, but that doesn't mean our vigilance should, too. We need to keep an eye out for Humans or otherwise. With all the racket that this storm made, we could have no idea that anyone was here, or close."
"We should also send someone to look around for better storm shelter, in case this or worse happens again."
(Up-dated River.)

Banished Form:
Name: River Fleur
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Personality: Snappy, very sarcastic when she talks, smart, sly, has a silver tongue that rarely fails her, very talented, secretly cares for her brother Lucas, is glad that Fola wasn't banished, now hates her used to be leader, fierce, snarky, has a deep disgust for her mother. Some say that she only has wrath as an emotion, that is far from true, she just doesn't let the rest show. Is really just a broken child on the inside, but no one would ever guess that. Has knowledge beyond her age. Easily takes the role of leader. Depends on herself. Has perfected a dull and emotionless stare, that completely masks her emotions.
History: River was born at the mansion, the smallest and weakest of twins. She never really did fit in. Other kids used this as something to mock her with. Her mother never did care for her right, showed her love or anything like that, very imbaressed by her daughter`s weakness, causing River to secretly vow to never be weak, to always be strong. She hanged out with a small group of other Aves children who didn`t mock her though, her brothers Lucas and Mac, and their friends, Camilla and Fola, and sometimes she would baby-sit her younger cousin, Natalie, though even with them she didn`t talk much about herself. Her father and her older brother Mac- both of which she was very close to, died of an illness that couldn`t be treated. Her mother distanced herself even more if it was possible, from everyone, even Lucas. River distanced herself from everyone, even her very kind and caring brother- Lucas.
She was a trainee when Marie died. And that night she died River was one of the guards, when she found out that the assassin slipped by her she was horrified. She had failed, and so greatly. She ran as fast as she could to the mansion to warn them, but she came too late, just in time to hear the leader`s scream of sadness.
She wasn`t shocked or scared when their leader expelled her. She expected it. And in her mind she deserved it.
What really horrified her was when he said "Lucas" and "Camilla" and "Natalie".
A day before the RP started, Camilla, River`s best friend, and Natalie, River`s little cousin, died.
She hasn`t told her history to anyone, it is a total secret, not even Lucas knowing most of what she went through, most of it emotional.
Bird Modeled After: Barn Owl
Description: Long dark brown hair, cold gray eyes, two huge Barn Owl wings, light skin, 5 foot, small hands, wears mainly leather and only ever black. Wears a black shirt, black leather pants, black boots, and a black leather jacket with many pockets. A black leather belt, a sheath for her dagger on her belt, and a sheath for her sword on her belt. And if you couldn`t guess, the sheaths are black. And the reason she only ever wears black? She never tells anyone this but she only wears black because she is always mourning.
Special Power: Able to talk to any animal and they can understand her, so she can hold conversations with animals.
Weapon(s): Dagger and sword
Other: The only things she has are the things on her. She has a pet black wolf pup named Trodaire. When she is alone she sings, and she is really good. And everything else, who knows? With all the secrets she has...
Username: @RiverStorm

(I think that`s it for River... Not sure, I`ll read it over later. I`ll also up-date Lucas later.)
(Up-dated River.)

Banished Form:
Name: River Fleur
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Personality: Snappy, very sarcastic when she talks, smart, sly, has a silver tongue that rarely fails her, very talented, secretly cares for her brother Lucas, is glad that Fola wasn't banished, now hates her used to be leader, fierce, snarky, has a deep disgust for her mother. Some say that she only has wrath as an emotion, that is far from true, she just doesn't let the rest show. Is really just a broken child on the inside, but no one would ever guess that. Has knowledge beyond her age. Easily takes the role of leader. Depends on herself. Has perfected a dull and emotionless stare, that completely masks her emotions.
History: River was born at the mansion, the smallest and weakest of twins. She never really did fit in. Other kids used this as something to mock her with. Her mother never did care for her right, showed her love or anything like that, very imbaressed by her daughter`s weakness, causing River to secretly vow to never be weak, to always be strong. She hanged out with a small group of other Aves children who didn`t mock her though, her brothers Lucas and Mac, and their friends, Camilla and Fola, and sometimes she would baby-sit her younger cousin, Natalie, though even with them she didn`t talk much about herself. Her father and her older brother Mac- both of which she was very close to, died of an illness that couldn`t be treated. Her mother distanced herself even more if it was possible, from everyone, even Lucas. River distanced herself from everyone, even her very kind and caring brother- Lucas.
She was a trainee when Marie died. And that night she died River was one of the guards, when she found out that the assassin slipped by her she was horrified. She had failed, and so greatly. She ran as fast as she could to the mansion to warn them, but she came too late, just in time to hear the leader`s scream of sadness.
She wasn`t shocked or scared when their leader expelled her. She expected it. And in her mind she deserved it.
What really horrified her was when he said "Lucas" and "Camilla" and "Natalie".
A day before the RP started, Camilla, River`s best friend, and Natalie, River`s little cousin, died.
She hasn`t told her history to anyone, it is a total secret, not even Lucas knowing most of what she went through, most of it emotional.
Bird Modeled After: Barn Owl
Description: Long dark brown hair, cold gray eyes, two huge Barn Owl wings, light skin, 5 foot, small hands, wears mainly leather and only ever black. Wears a black shirt, black leather pants, black boots, and a black leather jacket with many pockets. A black leather belt, a sheath for her dagger on her belt, and a sheath for her sword on her belt. And if you couldn`t guess, the sheaths are black. And the reason she only ever wears black? She never tells anyone this but she only wears black because she is always mourning.
Special Power: Able to talk to any animal and they can understand her, so she can hold conversations with animals.
Weapon(s): Dagger and sword
Other: The only things she has are the things on her. She has a pet black wolf pup named Trodaire. When she is alone she sings, and she is really good. And everything else, who knows? With all the secrets she has...
Username: @RiverStorm

(I think that`s it for River... Not sure, I`ll read it over later. I`ll also up-date Lucas later.)
Persepolis spoke up, "I can go out and get materials for beds. They won't be high quality, but they'd do."
Looking at each member in turn, Persepolis added: "The storm may have lulled, but that doesn't mean our vigilance should, too. We need to keep an eye out for Humans or otherwise. With all the racket that this storm made, we could have no idea that anyone was here, or close."
"We should also send someone to look around for better storm shelter, in case this or worse happens again."
Xylo nodded, replying “I’ve passed a cabin a few miles away. Two stories, and rather sturdy. Any holes we can fix with the wood from this wreck. We can stay here, elect a leader tomorrow, then relocate. That’s an option.”
Xylo nodded, replying “I’ve passed a cabin a few miles away. Two stories, and rather sturdy. Any holes we can fix with the wood from this wreck. We can stay here, elect a leader tomorrow, then relocate. That’s an option.”
Persepolis replied, "I like that option. Not only would we have better shelter but it might keep us safer. Remember, I followed you all here. Others could too, even though I covered our tracks. If we relocate, we should fly out. We don't leave a trail that way. Plus, the cabin could have beds."
Persepolis replied, "I like that option. Not only would we have better shelter but it might keep us safer. Remember, I followed you all here. Others could too, even though I covered our tracks. If we relocate, we should fly out. We don't leave a trail that way. Plus, the cabin could have beds."
Xylo nodded, not quite trusting the woman fully. He turned his attention to the others to check they were ok
Xylo nodded, replying “I’ve passed a cabin a few miles away. Two stories, and rather sturdy. Any holes we can fix with the wood from this wreck. We can stay here, elect a leader tomorrow, then relocate. That’s an option.”
River thought for a moment, closing her eyes then opening them. "I remember it. I like that. It would make sense. Especially if we fly, and don`t leave tracks that way. And it`s still close, so we could come back if we don`t trust the place."
She layed the land out in her mind. Forest Pack was her marker, she could find her way around if she knew where the camp was, and the cabin was also a marker, the stream too, and those were all still close to the other cabin. Yes, it was a good idea.
Aves form
Name: Igance
Age: 23
Gender: female
Personality: kind and sweet, but she has boundaries. Very smart and understands others
Occupation: scout
History: (not really sure)
Bird modeled after: bald eagle
Special power: invisibility
Weapon: long spear, wooden handle, rock tip, tied with leather and has eagle feathers on it
Description: black hair, green eyes. Talk and slim. Large white wings with brown feathers where they adjoin to get back, and on the very tips.
Other: oops I didn’t mean to add the pic at the bottom. I needed it to copy the form and I didn’t want to keep scrolling up and down up and down lol


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