Lies and Deceit - A Fantasy RP

(@Cyprus )
Horius moved from behind the tree, not finding Xylo where he had been before, instead found him crashing down upon him from a tree above. As Horius lay pinned down on the floor, Xylo began repeatedly punching his face, holding him against the floor until Horius brought out his knife and stabbed his side. Xylo cried out in pain as the knife cut his skin and flesh, falling on the floor. Horius stood up, his face covered in blood, to the point even his eyes were covered in the red life substance. He muttered "I would never kill a brother, no matter how much he betrayed me. I would never." Horius, coughing up blood, gathered his belongings once again, before walking away. He muttered as he left, "Let the love between you rot.", turning invisible to blend in with the shadows, his face bloody, as well as his arm.

Xylo groaned in pain as he got up and looked to River. He needed to get her to Persepolis fast. He weakly walked over to her and scooped her up, biting his teeth together at the pain as he walked back towards the cabin, not saying a word to her whatsoever. He didn't need to speak to her, she hated him enough. Once he saw the cabin, minutes later, he called out weakly "Persepolis."

Persepolis heard someone weakly calling her name. From the way that her name was being said it sounded urgent. She rushed past Hector and hurried down the stairs. As she passed through the cabin door she called out "What is-" her words caught in her throat. Her eyes grew wide as she saw Xylo, battered and covered in blood. Her eyes traveled down to what was in his arms. No, not what. Who. It was River, blood pouring from her mouth and abdomen. She looked dead. Then she saw Rivers chest shallowly rise and fall. She's not dead, Persepolis thought but she will be if I don't do something.

Persepolis rushed over to Xylo, and immediately began scanning both him and River for where their injuries were. She knew what she needed to do. Persepolis looked up, speaking out to anyone who would listen, taking just enough time to get the words out. "I can heal these wounds and restore the strength of River and Xylo. But healing wounds this bad, mortal injuries, is going to severely weaken me. I won't be in any condition to do much of anything immediately after a healing like this. Because of that, I need to heal both of you at once. I have no idea if this is going to kill me."
After finishing the last word, Persepolis took a deep breath, preparing herself and trying to give herself as much strength before starting as possible. She placed her left hand on River's abdomen and placed her right hand on Xylo's stab wound.
She began reciting the magic incantation that would allow her to harness the magic she needed to heal their bodies, "Sula miopiar xaquin. Moiparran khetsaram kali, Kali korilath lethodar vinaquirem soth. Tangus aran idish ya!"
As soon as the incantation was finished, Xylo and River's skin began to glow. The blood stopped pouring out of River's mouth. The bullets inside River's abdomen started being pulled out. They slid out of her flesh, rolling off of her body and landing on the snow beneath her. Her organs pulled themselves back together seamlessly, her blood vessels reformed, her muscles stitched themselves back together. The holes in her body pulled closed and the skin reappeared flawlessly and perfectly healed. River's respiratory rate increased, her heart started pounding faster, her vision was regained. Her strength returned.
The wound on Xylo's side starting pulling itself back together. The muscles reattached themselves, the skin melded back together seamlessly. Lastly, the blood on both of their bodies disappeared. It looked as if nothing had happened to either of them.

At the same time that River and Xylo were getting stronger, Persepolis was getting weaker. She finished healing them and started to shake. She was shaking badly, shivering as well. She groaned, feeling lightheaded. Persepolis sank to one knee, no longer strong enough to stand. She collapsed onto her hands and knees, hanging her head. Her long hair poured around her head, concealing her face. Her body gave a few shudders, dry heaving. Her wings drooped, falling to her sides. She developed tunnel vision, the edges of her vision growing dark and static. Her breathing slowed and she her hearing became muffled.
(@Cyprus whenever you'd like to reply. Just fyi, I won't be on tomorrow.)
Hector returned to his normal mumbling as he saw Luna. "I uh, I seared the meat and uh, I wanted to know if you wanted to help me make it into stew." He gulped, returning to the awkward phase he couldn't seem to grow out of except when he was with Persepolis. Then Persepolis rushed downstairs. He followed, taking the stairs two at a time, standing with his mouth ajar as Persepolis healed their leaders, then collapsed. "Persepolis!" he cried, rushing to her. "No-no no!" he slid too his knees, catching her in his huge arms. He warmed his arms enough to try to calm her. "Stay with me. You're gonna be ok, you're gonna be ok!" he said, as much to convince himself as her.
Sierra smiled at the pair, glad to see them reunited once again. She kept silent, letting Casimir enjoy the presence of his sister. As they reached the river, moss became plentiful, and Sierra finally spoke. She asked Tory enthusiastically "Ready to make that hat?", smiling at the excitement of the girl.
(@Nariah01 for some reason it didn't quote you)
Tory smiled. "Yeah!" she cried, releasing their hands to go gather some flowers and moss.
(@Cyprus whenever you'd like to reply. Just fyi, I won't be on tomorrow.)
Hector returned to his normal mumbling as he saw Luna. "I uh, I seared the meat and uh, I wanted to know if you wanted to help me make it into stew." He gulped, returning to the awkward phase he couldn't seem to grow out of except when he was with Persepolis. Then Persepolis rushed downstairs. He followed, taking the stairs two at a time, standing with his mouth ajar as Persepolis healed their leaders, then collapsed. "Persepolis!" he cried, rushing to her. "No-no no!" he slid too his knees, catching her in his huge arms. He warmed his arms enough to try to calm her. "Stay with me. You're gonna be ok, you're gonna be ok!" he said, as much to convince himself as her.
Persepolis felt someone's arms around her, and she stopped shivering as the warmth spread through her.
She could just barely hear Hector, everything was a fuzz of senses. She was still terribly weak, barely able to support her body.
She choked out hoarsly, in a voice barely audible, "Hector?"
Persepolis heard someone weakly calling her name. From the way that her name was being said it sounded urgent. She rushed past Hector and hurried down the stairs. As she passed through the cabin door she called out "What is-" her words caught in her throat. Her eyes grew wide as she saw Xylo, battered and covered in blood. Her eyes traveled down to what was in his arms. No, not what. Who. It was River, blood pouring from her mouth and abdomen. She looked dead. Then she saw Rivers chest shallowly rise and fall. She's not dead, Persepolis thought but she will be if I don't do something.

Persepolis rushed over to Xylo, and immediately began scanning both him and River for where their injuries were. She knew what she needed to do. Persepolis looked up, speaking out to anyone who would listen, taking just enough time to get the words out. "I can heal these wounds and restore the strength of River and Xylo. But healing wounds this bad, mortal injuries, is going to severely weaken me. I won't be in any condition to do much of anything immediately after a healing like this. Because of that, I need to heal both of you at once. I have no idea if this is going to kill me."
After finishing the last word, Persepolis took a deep breath, preparing herself and trying to give herself as much strength before starting as possible. She placed her left hand on River's abdomen and placed her right hand on Xylo's stab wound.
She began reciting the magic incantation that would allow her to harness the magic she needed to heal their bodies, "Sula miopiar xaquin. Moiparran khetsaram kali, Kali korilath lethodar vinaquirem soth. Tangus aran idish ya!"
As soon as the incantation was finished, Xylo and River's skin began to glow. The blood stopped pouring out of River's mouth. The bullets inside River's abdomen started being pulled out. They slid out of her flesh, rolling off of her body and landing on the snow beneath her. Her organs pulled themselves back together seamlessly, her blood vessels reformed, her muscles stitched themselves back together. The holes in her body pulled closed and the skin reappeared flawlessly and perfectly healed. River's respiratory rate increased, her heart started pounding faster, her vision was regained. Her strength returned.
The wound on Xylo's side starting pulling itself back together. The muscles reattached themselves, the skin melded back together seamlessly. Lastly, the blood on both of their bodies disappeared. It looked as if nothing had happened to either of them.

At the same time that River and Xylo were getting stronger, Persepolis was getting weaker. She finished healing them and started to shake. She was shaking badly, shivering as well. She groaned, feeling lightheaded. Persepolis sank to one knee, no longer strong enough to stand. She collapsed onto her hands and knees, hanging her head. Her long hair poured around her head, concealing her face. Her body gave a few shudders, dry heaving. Her wings drooped, falling to her sides. She developed tunnel vision, the edges of her vision growing dark and static. Her breathing slowed and she her hearing became muffled.
River looked around, she was at the cabin now. "Wha-" Then she saw Persepolis. "Oh no..." She breathed.
Horror rippled up her body. Why did Xylo bring her with him? And why had he have Persepolis heal her? It could have killed Persepolis! If it didn`t still... She gritted her teeth. "Xylo, please put me down." She said quietly, kindly, it wouldn`t do to get him even more mad at her. Her eyes didn`t leave Persepolis.
River looked around, she was at the cabin now. "Wha-" Then she saw Persepolis. "Oh no..." She breathed.
Horror rippled up her body. Why did Xylo bring her with him? And why had he have Persepolis heal her? It could have killed Persepolis! If it didn`t still... She gritted her teeth. "Xylo, please put me down." She said quietly, kindly, it wouldn`t do to get him even more mad at her. Her eyes didn`t leave Persepolis.
Xylo put her down, and looked to Persepolis with concern, letting her have space. Now was not the time to sulk or be angry at anyone. Persepolis was frankly in danger.
Xylo put her down, and looked to Persepolis with concern, letting her have space. Now was not the time to sulk or be angry at anyone. Persepolis was frankly in danger.
River backed up a step, then kneeled down near Persepolis. "Hey," She whispered kindly, her voice having changed from her normal sound to a much more kind one. "Thank you. You`ll be fine." She cooed, even though she wasn`t sure of that herself.
River backed up a step, then kneeled down near Persepolis. "Hey," She whispered kindly, her voice having changed from her normal sound to a much more kind one. "Thank you. You`ll be fine." She cooed, even though she wasn`t sure of that herself.
Persepolis could feel River's presence near her and hear her voice. She tried to push back to sit on her haunches, moving slowly. It was no use. "No need to thank me," she croaked out, glancing at River.
Persepolis felt someone's arms around her, and she stopped shivering as the warmth spread through her.
She could just barely hear Hector, everything was a fuzz of senses. She was still terribly weak, barely able to support her body.
She choked out hoarsly, in a voice barely audible, "Hector?"
Hector held her close. "I'm here," he said, tensely. "You ok?"

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