Lies and Deceit - A Fantasy RP

Hector held her close. "I'm here," he said, tensely. "You ok?"
Persepolis leaned into him, taking comfort in his company. " I'm not feeling like a million bucks right now, but I'll live," she responded softly.

"There is a need to thank you." River responded softly.
"Then I guess you're welcome," Persepolis replied quietly.
Persepolis leaned into him, taking comfort in his company. " I'm not feeling like a million bucks right now, but I'll live," she responded softly.

"Then I guess you're welcome," Persepolis replied quietly.
Hector almost smiled, but his lips stayed pressed together with worry. "Guess I'll have to make that stew myself now, huh?" he joked, trying to evoke a smile. "If you see smoke billowing, tell Luna to get both of your butts out of here, otherwise I really will have murdered someone with my cooking."(I gtg now. I have 8 hours till I need to leave for a crew meet. Ugh.)
Hector almost smiled, but his lips stayed pressed together with worry. "Guess I'll have to make that stew myself now, huh?" he joked, trying to evoke a smile. "If you see smoke billowing, tell Luna to get both of your butts out of here, otherwise I really will have murdered someone with my cooking."(I gtg now. I have 8 hours till I need to leave for a crew meet. Ugh.)
Persepolis smiled at what Hector said. She responded in a meaningful tone, "Nah, I'll still help you make that stew. Once I can stand without fainting, that is." She rolled her eyes at own incapabilities.
Persepolis smiled at what Hector said. She responded in a meaningful tone, "Nah, I'll still help you make that stew. Once I can stand without fainting, that is." She rolled her eyes at own incapabilities.
Luna rushed over to her friend because the person that controlled her was offline before so she wasn’t there. She knelt down beside her, reassuring her everything would be fine.
Luna rushed over to her friend because the person that controlled her was offline before so she wasn’t there. She knelt down beside her, reassuring her everything would be fine.
Persepolis saw Luna and said, "Thanks for reassuring me, I appreciate it." She smiled.

Xylo offered his thanks, before going to get her some water. He returned with a cup of cold water she could drink, and gave it to her.
Persepolis took the water from him, taking a long drink. "Thanks, Xylo." She said to him.
Persepolis saw Luna and said, "Thanks for reassuring me, I appreciate it." She smiled.

Persepolis took the water from him, taking a long drink. "Thanks, Xylo." She said to him.
Luna already knew who did it. If it wasn’t known before, then it was now, for sure. And that made him even more terrifying with no doubt. She assured “You’ll be fine. Just hang in there.”

Xylo responded honestly “I should be thanking you. I’m sorry I came back like that.”, genuinely angry at himself. But more so now than ever, he was confused. About who he was.
Luna already knew who did it. If it wasn’t known before, then it was now, for sure. And that made him even more terrifying with no doubt. She assured “You’ll be fine. Just hang in there.”

Xylo responded honestly “I should be thanking you. I’m sorry I came back like that.”, genuinely angry at himself. But more so now than ever, he was confused. About who he was.
Persepolis looked up at Luna and Xylo. She nodded in response to Luna.
To Xylo she said, "You don't need to apologize to me about how you came back. I don't know what in the world happened out there, but I doubt that it was entirely your fault." She continued, "You can't predict nor control everything that anyone but yourself will do. You just have to try to get through it the best you can and not beat yourself up too much. Nothing good ever comes from hating yourself."
(@RiverStorm) Eva asked Lucas softly “Which bed is yours?” assuming the one with things with it was his but wanted to make sure.
"That one is mine." Lucas said, pointing to the one on the right. "And the other is your`s."
Persepolis looked up at Luna and Xylo. She nodded in response to Luna.
To Xylo she said, "You don't need to apologize to me about how you came back. I don't know what in the world happened out there, but I doubt that it was entirely your fault." She continued, "You can't predict nor control everything that anyone but yourself will do. You just have to try to get through it the best you can and not beat yourself up too much. Nothing good ever comes from hating yourself."
River stood up, and took a step back, giving Persepolis some space.

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