Lies and Deceit - A Fantasy RP

Luna smiled at their combined plans to train and master their powers better. With a charming smile, she joked “Soon you and me will be unstoppable.” Thinking of powers, she thought of Hector, Persepolis’ admirer. She asked out loud “Do you know what Hector’s power is? I’ve never seen him use it, other than the power to capture your heart.” She smiled at her teasing, before waiting for an answer, curious to know if she knew.
Persepolis replied, "I hope we'll be as close to unstoppable as possible someday, preferably in the near future." Persepolis blushed at Luna's teasing, responding with an exaggerated huff, "Oh, stop it, you." Being more serious she answered Luna's question, "I can't be certain on what Hector's power is, but I'm pretty sure it has something to do with heat. When I collapsed yesterday, he had me in his arms and was warming me." Persepolis looked to Luna, waiting for a response.
Eva smiled graciously, and replied eagerly “I’d love to.” She joined his side and prepared to go hunt with him, even though she had no weapon. Maybe they could go pick up her rifle on the way or something.
Lucas nodded. "Great!" And set off into the woods, wondering why he heard River snickering behind him.
(He`s so clueless that Eva 'likes' him XD Even River can see it XD)
Lucas nodded. "Great!" And set off into the woods, wondering why he heard River snickering behind him.
(He`s so clueless that Eva 'likes' him XD Even River can see it XD)
Eva turned back and looked at River with a blush, wondering how he would find out. She would’ve appreciated any help from River she could get. He was clueless. She turned back and followed him into the woods, clearly excited for their hunting session.
Persepolis replied, "I hope we'll be as close to unstoppable as possible someday, preferably in the near future." Persepolis blushed at Luna's teasing, responding with an exaggerated huff, "Oh, stop it, you." Being more serious she answered Luna's question, "I can't be certain on what Hector's power is, but I'm pretty sure it has something to do with heat. When I collapsed yesterday, he had me in his arms and was warming me." Persepolis looked to Luna, waiting for a response.
Luna cooed in an annoyingly teasing voice “Oh you’re so in love it hurts to watch.” She asked in drmatic fashion , falling on the bed in hyperbole “Whatever will we do?” She added, “Maybe he can control warmth or something like that.”
Eva turned back and looked at River with a blush, wondering how he would find out. She would’ve appreciated any help from River she could get. He was clueless. She turned back and followed him into the woods, clearly excited for their hunting session.
River watched them go, a slight smirk on her face and winked at Eva.
Lucas walked in-front of Eva, grabbing his knife and walking deeper into the woods.
Ahead of them, a large doe stood. "I wonder if we could get her... I haven`t seen a deer around this part of the woods yet..." He whispered to Eva, quiet enough that the doe didn`t hear him.
Luna cooed in an annoyingly teasing voice “Oh you’re so in love it hurts to watch.” She asked in drmatic fashion , falling on the bed in hyperbole “Whatever will we do?” She added, “Maybe he can control warmth or something like that.”
Persepolis, mildly annoyed, grabbed a pillow and threw it at Luna, laughing, "Shut up! I'm perfectly content having an admirer." She walked over and laid on the bed next to Luna, pondering her comment, "Maybe. I think that'd be a rather interesting power."
Persepolis smiled at what Hector said. She responded in a meaningful tone, "Nah, I'll still help you make that stew. Once I can stand without fainting, that is." She rolled her eyes at own incapabilities.
Hector smiled weakly. He stood back as Luna rushed over to Persepolis, and went and cleaned the meat and hung it in the cellar to keep it cool.
Stephen sighed & stood up, walking towards the arrows stuck in the tree. He pulled them out & returned them to his quiver. He walked back towards the campsite, taking his time. When he finally got to the cabin, Stephen passed Hector. "Horius says bye." he muttered, quickly walking inside his room, & sitting on his bed.
Hector nodded, solemnly.
Stephen sat up & yawned. He glanced over at Hector who was still asleep. He stood up & grabbed his jacket & walked outside, pulling his jacket on.
Hector stretched, his eyes fluttering open. He glanced at Stephens retreating figure, and rolled out of bed. After washing his face with cool water from the stream, he went upstairs and knocked on Persepolis's door.
It was fantastic! I had the time of my life, it was so amazing. I am definitely going next year.
Hector stretched, his eyes fluttering open. He glanced at Stephens retreating figure, and rolled out of bed. After washing his face with cool water from the stream, he went upstairs and knocked on Persepolis's door.
Persepolis turned around to go to answer the door, stopping as she saw whoever knocked open it themselves. She smiled brightly when she saw that it was Hector, "Hey, Hector. Did you sleep well?" she asked.
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Persepolis, mildly annoyed, grabbed a pillow and threw it at Luna, laughing, "Shut up! I'm perfectly content having an admirer." She walked over and laid on the bed next to Luna, pondering her comment, "Maybe. I think that'd be a rather interesting power."
Luna caught it and threw it back with a smile, responding “Oh my gosh you two are adorable.” She grinned even more as Hector actually opened their door, sticking her tongue out at Persepolis.
River watched them go, a slight smirk on her face and winked at Eva.
Lucas walked in-front of Eva, grabbing his knife and walking deeper into the woods.
Ahead of them, a large doe stood. "I wonder if we could get her... I haven`t seen a deer around this part of the woods yet..." He whispered to Eva, quiet enough that the doe didn`t hear him.
Eva was lovesick and couldn’t do anything about it. She followed Lucas quietly, before whispering “I think I could blind her with my light if you want to lunge at her with your knife.”, referring to her powers to bend light.

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