Lies and Deceit - A Fantasy RP

Xylo looked to her with genuine interest in her response, making sure to keep her close so she maintained her warmth. Xylo nodded, responding thoughtfully. "Perhaps life would be easier, with no one out to hunt you. More options to live life.” He paused, before adding “But then I would've never found you. And without would seem so much emptier.”
"Perhaps it would have been," River said. "But if I had been born a human, I would be a much different person. Maybe for the better... But probably for the worse, I wouldn't be me. And I would have met you, and... I wouldn't change this reality, that we share, for the world."
"Perhaps it would have been," River said. "But if I had been born a human, I would be a much different person. Maybe for the better... But probably for the worse, I wouldn't be me. And I would have met you, and... I wouldn't change this reality, that we share, for the world."
Xylo nodded at the last part, bringing her close to kiss her. It was a quick kiss, because out of the corner of his eye he saw the moon coming. He pulled away and looked to the moon, before gently helping her stand up, moving her to the center of the cave. As the moon passed, it's ray reflected off of the puddles and stones in the cave forming a brief light show within the cave, the soft white light of the moon shining around the cave, all trails that led to the same destination: River. She seemed to shine with a heavenly radiance, one that entranced Xylo and held him rooted, not moving, silently adoring her. He only managed to stammer "You're beautiful, my angel." , his look communicating more of how he felt.
Xylo nodded at the last part, bringing her close to kiss her. It was a quick kiss, because out of the corner of his eye he saw the moon coming. He pulled away and looked to the moon, before gently helping her stand up, moving her to the center of the cave. As the moon passed, it's ray reflected off of the puddles and stones in the cave forming a brief light show within the cave, the soft white light of the moon shining around the cave, all trails that led to the same destination: River. She seemed to shine with a heavenly radiance, one that entranced Xylo and held him rooted, not moving, silently adoring her. He only managed to stammer "You're beautiful, my angel." , his look communicating more of how he felt.
River quickly put her hand in his as he offered to help her up, and walked with him to the center of the cave.
Her eyes widened as she peered around, it was beautiful. The moon hit the puddles and stones, making them look like pools of moon-light. The sky had turned dark, and the stars hung in it, like jewels, and the moon was still full, and shining silver. The light reflected onto her, causing her brown feathers to shimmer.
She looked over to Xylo as he stuttered, and his words and adoring look made her blush. "Thank you," She smiled shyly at him.
River quickly put her hand in his as he offered to help her up, and walked with him to the center of the cave.
Her eyes widened as she peered around, it was beautiful. The moon hit the puddles and stones, making them look like pools of moon-light. The sky had turned dark, and the stars hung in it, like jewels, and the moon was still full, and shining silver. The light reflected onto her, causing her brown feathers to shimmer.
She looked over to Xylo as he stuttered, and his words and adoring look made her blush. "Thank you," She smiled shyly at him.
The moonlight shimmered off her black leather jacket, giving River an almost mythical appearance, with an aura around her as if she had magical powers. The moonlight seemed to swarm around her, ravaging the cave around her, but became gentle when it neared her. As the light danced around the cave, bouncing off the stalagmites and other rock formations, Xylo dared to take a step forward, towards the queen of the night. He was still in wonder, and he took his steps with respect, as if she truly was a queen of a foreign land. Her blush was illuminated softly by the light, which had begun to disappear as the moon continued its journey across the earth, and he reached out to touch it, still under her spell.
The moonlight shimmered off her black leather jacket, giving River an almost mythical appearance, with an aura around her as if she had magical powers. The moonlight seemed to swarm around her, ravaging the cave around her, but became gentle when it neared her. As the light danced around the cave, bouncing off the stalagmites and other rock formations, Xylo dared to take a step forward, towards the queen of the night. He was still in wonder, and he took his steps with respect, as if she truly was a queen of a foreign land. Her blush was illuminated softly by the light, which had begun to disappear as the moon continued its journey across the earth, and he reached out to touch it, still under her spell.
River blushed even more, letting herself lean into Xylo's hand. She took hardly a heed to the dwindling light. (Sorry about the short post.)
River blushed even more, letting herself lean into Xylo's hand. She took hardly a heed to the dwindling light. (Sorry about the short post.)
(np) As the light fully dwindled away, Xylo took River's hand and drew her in, holding her tightly. He had seen the look on her face, that look of wonder, of awe, yet still shy at his praise, and was pleased with himself for knowing she had forgotten about the corpses they had found earlier. It had been his very intention to distract her, replace that sorrow with some other emotion, and while he was positive that sorrow would return, for now she could hold this moment treasure. He walked up to her and cupped her face delicately, kissing her in the darkness of the cave.
Eva replied simply, "Few seconds away, really." And she didn't lie. A little while later they stood before the cabin. Eva let Brid soak everything in, taking a step back to allow her to do so, ready to walk in when she was.

"Wow. It's more organized than I expected," Brid admitted with a small, embarrassed laugh. "Where is everyone?" She could hear heartbeats but still couldn't pinpoint location, and the camp seemed deserted. (As far as I know. I'll change the post if needed. :))
"Wow. It's more organized than I expected," Brid admitted with a small, embarrassed laugh. "Where is everyone?" She could hear heartbeats but still couldn't pinpoint location, and the camp seemed deserted. (As far as I know. I'll change the post if needed. :))
(Hector went to bed. Persepolis is there and chilling out.)

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